Apply for RainScapes Rewards Rebates

Special Notice: Thank you for your interest in the RainScapes Rewards Rebate Program. Due to high demand and the number of current applications to process, the program will take a planned pause starting May 1st 2024. Through the pause we will continue working with those applications we have already received. No new applications will be accepted while we are closed. If you are visiting this site after May 1st, please check back here on September 16, 2024, when we will restart accepting applications. We will announce our reopening through posting on our website, the RainScapes Gazette and DEP social media.

Aviso especial: Gracias por su interés en el Programa de Reembolsos RainScapes Rewards. Debido a la gran demanda y al número de solicitudes actuales que hay que procesar, el programa hará una pausa planeada a partir del 1 de mayo de 2024. Durante la pausa seguiremos trabajando con las solicitudes que ya hemos recibido. No se aceptarán nuevas solicitudes durante la pausa. Si está visitando este sitio después del 1 de mayo, vuelva a visitar esta página el 16 de septiembre 2024, fecha en la que volveremos a aceptar solicitudes. Anunciaremos nuestra reapertura en nuestra página web, en la RainScapes Gazette y en las redes sociales de DEP.

Find my Application Number

* Be sure to record your application submission date and number when you finish.

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Follow these steps to make sure you have a successful application:
Step 1: Are you in the right place? Have you visited our home page and looked at our project manuals at to learn about the RainScapes project types?
Step 2: What you should know before you start:
  • The application will take approximately 15-20 minutes. Applications should be completed.
  • Once you submit your application, someone will typically get back to you within 2 weeks.
  • This is what you will need:
With the exception of rain barrels RainScapes projects must be pre-approved prior to installation.
The money for rebates is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.