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Press Releases - Department of Transportation

For Immediate Release: Sunday, March 22, 2020

Montgomery County’s Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will continue to enforce most parking rules and regulations during the COVID-19 health crisis, with some exceptions. Residents should follow normal legal practices when parking. Restricted area parking violations, disabled parking violations and safety-related violations will be strictly enforced to prioritize public safety.

One modification is parking meter enforcement that has been relaxed in areas where businesses remain open for quick pickups—such as restaurants, pharmacies and food stores.  

“Through continued enforcement activity, we are actively discouraging long-term parking near businesses that remain open to serve our resident’s needs,” said MCDOT Director Chris Conklin. “Vehicles remaining in these spaces for an extended time are harming struggling businesses and limiting access to the services residents need. Long-term parking remains available in lots, garages and signed on-street areas and residents are encouraged to use short-term on-street parking for quick stops at local businesses.”

Abuse of time limited and metered parking will be cited. Enforcement action for vehicles parked for excessive periods of time in short-term spaces can be requested by contacting the County at 240-777-8740 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.

Enforcement has been suspended in Residential Permit zones that consist of non-metered on-street parking with posted signage requiring residential permits for parking. During the health crisis, vehicles without residential permits may remain parked in those areas.

Special free parking has been extended in two parking garages to help residents who must remain at home due to the crisis. Free parking is now in effect in the Bonifant/Dixon Garage located at 1101 Bonifant St. in Silver Spring. Entrances to the garage are located on Bonifant Street and Dixon Avenue. Free parking also is in effect in the Auburn/Del Ray Garage at 4910 Auburn Avenue in Bethesda. Entrances for that garage are on Del Ray Avenue and Auburn Avenue.  

Parking in other County-owned lots, garages and meter locations where payment requirements remain can be paid remotely via MobileNow! and Parkmobile.

MCDOT continues to monitor parking conditions in our parking districts and may make additional adjustments if needed.  For ongoing updates, follow @MCDOTNow and @MCDOT_Parking on Twitter or go to the department website at

For the latest updates, visit the County’s COVID-19 website and follow Montgomery County on Facebook @MontgomeryCountyInfo and Twitter @MontgomeryCoMD.

Release ID: 20-065
Media Contact: Hannah Henn 240-777-8389

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