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Press Releases - Department of Transportation

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 8, 2023

On Thursday, March 16, starting at 6:30 p.m., the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will hold a virtual public meeting to discuss the latest progress of the Old Columbia Pike / Prosperity Drive Improvement project in Silver Spring. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions and provide comments.

The Old Columbia Pike / Prosperity Drive Improvement project provides for a facility planning study to improve intersection safety and capacity issues as well as enhance safety for pedestrians, bicyclists and people with disabilities as they travel to nearby schools and facilities. Drainage issues within the project limits will also be addressed. The project limits are from Stewart Lane to Cherry Hill Road. Public input is encouraged and may influence the design of this project.

Online registration is required to attend. On the morning of the meeting, an invitation to participate in this meeting will be emailed to registrants.

Prior to the virtual meeting, the public is encouraged to review the project files on the project website.

Comments and questions may be submitted by email to [email protected] or via the online comment form. All information provided, including questions and comments, will become a matter of public record.

Interpreter services will be provided upon request with five business days advance notice by contacting Yasamin Esmaili.

Learn more about MCDOT’s engineering and construction projects by visiting

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Release ID: 23-027
Media Contact: Emily DeTitta, 240-372-2282

All MCDOT News Releases

people using various transportation modes people using various transportation modes