For Immediate Release: Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Montgomery County’s Department of Transportation (MCDOT), in an effort to support restaurants that will depend on carryout orders, curbside pickup and deliveries during the
COVID-19 emergency—and to also help the residents that will be using those services—today announced that it has established “No Parking” zones in Parking Lot District areas with high concentrations of restaurants. Those zones will prevent long-term parking in spots in front of the establishment while allowing temporary “standing parking” of 15 minutes or less.
“No Parking” zones will improve residents’ curbside access to businesses providing pick up and takeout food services while dine-in restaurant service is suspended under the Statewide order issued by Governor Hogan to help prevent spread of the virus.
The No Parking zones reflect County Executive Marc Elrich’s pledge to do whatever is possible to help local businesses that will be deeply impacted during the emergency.
The No Parking zones also will benefit businesses that will be offering increased delivery services so their drivers can park quickly near the establishments.
A comprehensive list of maps designating curbside food pickup areas can be found at
The areas designated as No Parking for curbside restaurant access are subject to change. MCDOT is open to consideration of expanding the changes to support other areas currently controlled by curbside parking meters. To request additional locations, contact
[email protected]
Release ID: 20-054
Media Contact: Hannah Henn 240-777-8389