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Press Releases - County Council

Reinstating limited indoor restaurant dining and a phased return to in-classroom learning planned for March are the focus of “En Sintonía con el Concejo”, tomorrow at 2 p.m. on Radio America

For Immediate Release: Thursday, February 11, 2021

Guests will also discuss the new parameters in the voluntary rent guideline

and renters’ assistance programs

ROCKVILLE, Md., Feb. 11, 2021—Montgomery County Council Vice President Gabriel Albornoz, Montgomery County Board of Education (BOE) Member Karla Silvestre, Investigator for the Department of Housing and Community Affairs Susana Capobianco, and Supervisory Social Worker for Services to End and Prevent Homelessness (SEPH) Patricia Santucci, will be the featured guests on this week’s En Sintonía con El Concejo del Condado de Montgomery (In Tune with the Montgomery County Council), airing on Friday, Feb. 12 at 2 p.m. on Radio America (WILC 900AM).

Council Vice President Albornoz, who chairs the Council’s Health and Human Services Committee, will discuss the Council’s approval of Executive Order 19-21AM, which allows indoor dining at 25 percent capacity, suspends alcohol sales at 10 p.m. for onsite consumption and limits indoor dining to a 90-minute period beginning Sunday, Feb. 14 at 7 a.m.

Ms. Silvestre will discuss the Montgomery County Board of Education’s plan to re-open schools in phases for in-person learning starting Mar. 1. Ms. Silvestre will present details of the return-to-school plans, phases, and timelines, as well as the options available for students and families who would like to continue with virtual education.

Lastly, Ms. Capobianco will explain the new Voluntary Rent Guideline and renters’ rights, and Ms. Santucci will discuss the County’s renter’s assistance programs.

The Montgomery County Council and Radio America have entered a partnership that provides the Latino community with key information on issues and programs. The partnership also provides a forum for residents to express views and ask questions. The partnership includes the weekly one-hour show each Friday on the Washington metropolitan area’s most popular Spanish language station. Lilian Mass is the show’s host.

Each week, the show features guests talking about important issues before the Council and provides information about programs offered by the County to help residents.


Release ID: 21-053
Media Contact: Lilian Mass 240-426-5561, Juan Jovel 240-777-7931