For Immediate Release: Friday, June 22, 2012
The Montgomery County Police Department is seeking female volunteers to participate in a Physical Abilities Test. By volunteering, you will assist the police department in validating a new physical fitness test. This test will later be incorporated as part of the department's hiring process for police officer candidates. There will be no pass or fail for this test. Only gender, age, and scores will be recorded for validation purposes.
- WHEN: Sunday, September 9, 2012 at 8:00 a.m.
- WHERE: 100 Edison Park Drive, Gaithersburg, MD
The Physical Abilities Test will be based on research conducted by the Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas. The Cooper Institute has a battery of tests that are job-related for the position of police officer. The battery of tests that our department is planning to implement are:
- - Maximum push ups (1 minute) - measures muscular endurance, upper body
- Maximum sit ups (1 minute) - measures muscular endurance, lower body
- Vertical jump - measures anaerobic power, explosive leg strength
- 300 meter run - measures anaerobic power, sprinting ability (outdoors)
- 1.5 mile run - measures aerobic capacity, cardio respiratory (outdoors)
Click here to view a video demonstrating the physical abilities test standards.
-If you are interested in participating in the Physical Abilities Test, please email
Officer Mauricio Veiga. Please include your name, date of birth, gender, and telephone number in the email.
Please respond with your interest by Monday, July 2nd, 2012.
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Release ID: 12-124
Media Contact: mcpnews
Categories: blog