As we approach a new school year next week, the Montgomery County Department of Police are reminding all residents to be vigilant and pay attention to school buses as they pick-up and drop off children throughout the day.
This year, all Montgomery County School buses will be equipped with safety cameras that will capture the images of drivers who neglect to stop for school buses in the process of dropping off and picking up school children. Negligent drivers will receive a civil citation with a fine starting at $250 with penalties going up to $500.
Drivers are required to stop in both directions for any school bus with it's lights on and STOP sign extended who is in the process of picking up or dropping off children. Unless there is a physical median divider, you are required to stop for the buses even if you are in the opposite lanes of traffic.
Our goal is to have every child make it to school and return home safely every single day. Attached are school bus safety camera footage showing just how dangerous failing to stop for school buses has become.
Last year, over 54,000 school bus safety citations were issued to drivers who failed to stop for school buses.
The failure by drivers to stop for school buses can result in catastrophic consequences. There is absolutely no reason to hurry and drive impatiently that is worth the loss of or injury to any of our children.
Please be advised, some of these videos can be difficult to watch. Parental advisement is recommended.