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Montgomery County Police Conduct Specialized Traffic Operation to Target Impaired Commercial Drivers

For Immediate Release: Friday, August 23, 2024

Gaithersburg, MD – On August 22, 2024, the Montgomery County Department of Police, in collaboration with the Commercial Vehicle Unit, Alcohol Initiatives Unit, and officers certified as Drug Recognition Experts (DRE), conducted a Maryland Highway Safety Office (MHSO) grant-funded operation aimed at enhancing roadway safety by targeting impaired commercial drivers.


This operation brought together a team of specialized officers, each with training in commercial motor vehicle inspection and drug recognition. These officers used their expertise to identify and remove impaired commercial drivers from Montgomery County’s roadways, conducting 27 inspections, resulting in 98 issued violations, ensuring safer travel for all motorists.


The initiative represents a step in the department’s ongoing commitment to commercial vehicle safety. By focusing on impaired drivers, the operation aimed to reduce the risk of accidents involving commercial vehicles, which can have severe consequences because of their size and weight.


This operation is a pilot program, with the potential to become a recurring effort based on the results and effectiveness observed.

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Release ID: 24-385
Media Contact: S.D. Goff  
Categories: checkpoint , featured