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Station Personnel Vacancy List and
Transfer Processing Guidelines


Updated: 2/7/2025 Colletti

Personnel interested in a transfer must submit a transfer request through the on-line
Transfer Request Management System (TRMS).

  • The transfer request deadline is 1700 hours on the Friday before the transfer meeting which is held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

  • An employee may have one active trade request and one active transfer request simultaneously. If multiple transfer or trade requests are submitted, only the most recent of each will be considered.

  • If an employee submits a transfer request and a trade request to go to the same assignment, the trade will be honored first provided all requirements of the trade are met.

  • Transfer and trade requests will expire after 12 months. All transfer and trade requests are removed upon the execution of a transfer.

  • Prior to the transfer meeting, transfer and trade requests may be rescinded via email to the Staffing Battalion Chief.

  • Trades will not be honored unless there is a reasonable expectation that both parties will remain in their new positions for at least 12 months. Examples include but are not limited to: ALS students/residents, ECC students/residents, personnel on light duty, personnel who are on a promotional list for which a vacancy is currently open, and personnel who are within 12 months of retirement.

  • Trades between two parties on the same shift only to switch Kelly Days will not be honored.

  • Personnel applying for specialty station assignments must either be certified in the applicable specialty or submit a Special Operations Membership Application prior to the transfer request deadline. Specialty stations are as follows:

    Hazardous Materials: 7, 20, 25, 28
    Swift Water Rescue: 10, 14, 30
    Technical Rescue: 25, 29, 31

  • Master Firefighter/Paramedics requesting to transfer to suppression positions must follow the procedure outlined on Directive 03-02 dated February 12, 2003. The memorandum required by this Directive must be sent to the Operations Division Chief via chain-of-command, and should also be sent directly to the Staffing Battalion Chief via email.

  • Newly promoted personnel will be contacted directly for placement preferences.

  • Trades and transfer requests from personnel from a given recruit class will not be honored until all non-probationary personnel from that recruit class who completed probation without extension according to the standard timeline have been placed in permanent positions.

  • If more than one person requests a transfer to the same vacancy and none of them have 18 months in their current assignment, they “cancel each other” and the position will remain vacant. If only 1 person requests a transfer to a vacancy, this request will be considered regardless of length in their current assignment.

  • Positions must be advertised for two weeks prior to the closing date in order for transfer requests to be considered.

  • Push mode occurs when there are at least as many new promotees to place as there are vacancies at a given rank. Push mode also occurs when there are overages to be placed in permanent positions. In push mode, the 18 month assignment requirement and the two week advertisement window requirement may be bypassed in order to place personnel appropriately. Push mode is specific to an individual job class or rank, e.g., when in push mode for Captain, the 18 month rule and advertisement rule are still in effect for all other ranks.

  • Transfers may only be rescinded when the rescission will not impact other transfers. Rescission requests must be received no later than the first shift the employee works after transfer results are distributed or within seven days of distribution, whichever comes first. Rescission requests must be sent to the Staffing Battalion Chief via email.

  • Recruits who are nearing the end of probation should review these Overage Firefighter Placement Procedures.

Transfer Request Management System Special Operations Membership Application Paramedic Firefighter Positions Directive

Firefighter - Battalion 1 MFF - Suppression
24-A7; 15-A3, 15-A5, 15-B2, 15-B4, 15-C3, 15-C5 // ALS: 02-A7

03-B2; 33-C5; 17-C5; SCO-B7; 08-C3; 15-A1

Firefighter - Battalion 2 MFF - ALS
11-D4; 07-A3 // ALS:

13-B4; 08-C5

Firefighter - Battalion 3 Lieutenant
33-B4; ECC-A004; ECC-A009; ECC-B011; ECC-C003; ECC-C005 // ALS: 32-A6


Firefighter - Battalion 4 Captain
25-B6; 05-D3; R2-D3 // ALS: 04-B1

35-C6; 40-A2; 08-C4; 20-C4; 26-A5

Firefighter - Battalion 5 Battalion Chief
// ALS: