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Media Advisory

Montgomery County Police Accountability Board to Hold Meeting with Law Enforcement Chiefs on Thursday, Sept. 28, in Bethesda

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Montgomery County’s Police Accountability Board (PAB) will hold its quarterly meeting with Chiefs of Police from departments in Montgomery County at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 28, at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center in Bethesda. The meeting will also be viewable online at

The PAB is a state-mandated board that is appointed by County Executives throughout Maryland and confirmed by County Councils.

In 2022, County Executive Marc Elrich’s appointees were confirmed by the Montgomery County Council. In addition to meeting with Law Enforcement Agencies on a quarterly basis, the PAB is required to, among other things, advise the County Executive and Council on policing matters and refer each complaint of police misconduct filed with the PAB to the appropriate law enforcement agency within 3 days after receipt for investigation. It is separate and not affiliated with the Police Advisory Commission, which was established by the County Council in 2019 to act in an advisory role to help with policing matters and recommend policies. 

Anyone interested in attending the meeting in person or virtually is encouraged to sign up ahead of time.



WHAT: Police Accountability Board Quarterly Meeting with Law Enforcement Chiefs

WHEN:  Thursday, Sept. 28. 7–9 p.m.

WHERE:  Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Service Center,4805 Edgemoor Ln., Suite 100, Bethesda

MORE INFORMATION: PAB website, [email protected] 

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Media Contact: Joe Dominguez 240-743-8865