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Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich to Sign Tenant Fire Safety Bill 7-24 Into Law Thursday, Aug. 8 at 11 a.m.

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, August 7, 2024

County Executive Office Building

1st Floor Auditorium

101 Monroe Street, Rockville

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich will be joined by County Council Vice President Kate Stewart; Cesar Diaz, father of Melanie Diaz; County Fire and Rescue Service Chief Corey Smedley; renters and advocates for renter’s rights for a bill signing ceremony at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 8, in the 1st Floor auditorium of the County Executive Office Building.

On Tuesday, July 16, the County Council passed legislation that strengthens tenant protections and requires landlords to notify tenants of fire safety, insurance and building maintenance issues. Authored and introduced by Council Vice President Kate Stewart, Bill 7-24, Landlord-Tenant Relations - Tenant Protection and Notification, will better protect tenants and inform them of building matters pertaining to their health, safety and economic security. 

Council Vice President Stewart was inspired to write the bill after a fire took the life of Melanie Diaz at the Arrive apartment building in Silver Spring in Dec. 2023, and a power outage not long after that put many older adult residents at risk at The Grand in North Bethesda.

Apartment building residents may encounter a variety of emergency situations, including fires, power outages, water outages and evacuations. Renters may also experience instances of building management lacking prevention plans or plans to inform residents of the incidents and what necessary precautions residents should take. The new law protects tenants by requiring building managers to communicate information clearly and rapidly to tenants during emergencies.

Bill 7-24 requires the following:

  • Residential leases must clearly state whether the building has automatic sprinkler systems, inform tenants of emergency plans and details whether the lease insures tenant possessions in the event of loss or damage due to instances such as fire, smoke or water.
  • Twenty-four-hour availability of a building representative and notification to tenants of any disruption of essential services.
  • Emergency safety plans for each building, proposed by landlords of multifamily dwellings, to be approved by the County’s Department of Permitting Services.

The bill is cosponsored by Councilmembers Marilyn Balcombe, Laurie-Anne Sayles, Sidney Katz, Kristin Mink, Gabe Albornoz, Will Jawando, Evan Glass and Council President Andrew Friedson.


WHAT: Bill signing ceremony for Tenant Fire Safety and Notification Bill 7-24


  • Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich
  • Montgomery County Council Vice President Kate Stewart
  • Cesar Diaz, Melanie Diaz’s father
  • Montgomery County Councilmembers
  • Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service Chief Corey Smedley
  • Renters
  • Renter’s Rights Advocates

WHEN: Thursday, August 8. 11 a.m.

WHERE: Executive Office Building, 1st Floor Auditorium, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville

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Media Contact: Mark Roper 240-962-1743