For Immediate Release: Friday, March 17, 2017
Interested in learning more about a MCDOT sidewalk, bikepath, bridge or road project? MCDOT’s Division of Transportation Engineering uses Twitter to post progress reports and pictures during construction:
White Flint Western Workaround: MCDOT is transforming the area around the White Flint Metro Station into a more walkable, bikeable, smart growth community. @MC_DTE#Whiteflintwest
Germantown Culvert Slip-lining project: This project involves slip-lining a 96-inch-diameter, 470-foot-long pipe under Germantown Road. @MC_DTE #GermantownCulvert
Pennyfield Lock Bridge –This project is realigning this single-lane bridge. @MC_DTE #PennyfieldBridge
Countywide Bridge Painting VIII – Painting and rehabilitation of nine steel girder bridges will begin later this month. @MC_DTE #BridgePaint8
MD 355 (Hyattstown) Sidewalk: Construct a half-mile-long sidewalk, signal modifications and drainage improvements along MD 355 in Hyattstown. @MC_DTE #HyattstownSW
Needwood Road Bikepath Phase I: Construct a a ¾-mile bike path along Needwood Road. Twitter @MC_DTE #NeedwoodBP1
Snouffer School Road: Widening Snouffer School Road from Centerway Road to Sweet Autumn Drive. @MC_DTE #SnoufferSouth
Wapakoneta Road Improvements: This project is reconstructing Wapakoneta Road from Namakagan Road to Walhonding Road, installing stormwater management facilities and improving drainage and water and sewer lines. @MC_DTE #WapakonetaRd