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Montgomery County to Host First Workforce Development Training for the National Green Infrastructure Certification Program

For Immediate Release: Monday, September 18, 2017

The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, WorkSource Montgomery and Montgomery College have partnered to sponsor a free training series to prepare workers in the growing green infrastructure industry. The 40-hour course, which filled quickly, began today and runs for three weeks. The training covers topics needed to prepare for the nationally accredited green infrastructure exam on November 14.

Lisa Feldt, director of the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection stated, “Montgomery County is a national leader in stormwater management. I am proud this is the first national training of its kind hosted by Montgomery County. Through the County’s partnership with Workforce Montgomery and Montgomery College, we can provide skills to expand our workforce of trained individuals in the design, construction and maintenance of green infrastructure. This training allows us to build our economy, provide a new job development program to our community and create strong partnerships for water quality.”

The training is being held at the Montgomery College Germantown campus and students will learn about proper design and maintenance of rain water harvesting systems, green roofs, infiltration systems and rain gardens among other green infrastructure techniques.  Installing these practices expands the green economy marketplace.

“To bring this national certification program to Montgomery County required partnerships across the region and country that included experts from across the nation. I am proud to say our staff was part of that development team,” said Feldt.

Over the past year, similar training programs have been held nationwide with approximately 100 individuals becoming certified.  For more information about the National Green Infrastructure Certification Program, contact Ann English at or 240-777-7759.

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Release ID: 17-439
Media Contact: Lucille Baur 240-777-6507