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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Monday, October 2, 2017

The Germantown Library will celebrate its 10th anniversary on Saturday, October 7 from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. with programs for all ages. The library is located at 19840 Century Blvd.

The event will open with face painting and a special presentation called “Deaf Culture Fairy Tales - Stories for Everyone, ages 1 to 101!”. Dr. Roz Rosen will narrate the program, which includes a collection of Deaf-centric twists on the classical fairy tales and fables. The activity will be presented in American Sign Language with voice interpretation.

Other special events include Bop Goes the Weasel with Christiana Drapkin’s Jazz Performance. A scavenger hunt will close out the day. 

 “The Germantown Library anniversary is a wonderful event, and I hope everyone will come out to celebrate the occasion and enjoy the activities,” said MCPL Acting Director Anita Vassallo.  “It’s a fantastic facility that’s an integral part of the community, and as a librarian who worked there for many years, I know firsthand how much all of the services and resources available there enrich and sustain the lives of residents.”

The special anniversary program is sponsored by Friends of the Library, Germantown Chapter. For more information about the anniversary event, call Jan Baird-Adams at 240-777-0110.

Release ID: 17-439
Media Contact: Judy Stiles 240-777-6536, [email protected]