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Press Releases - Department of Transportation

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, October 11, 2017


The Montgomery County Department of Transportation’s Division of Highway Services (DHS) will begin its annual collection of leaves in the vacuum leaf collection district starting November 6. DHS provides two collections on every district street during the fall. A third collection may also be provided on an as-needed basis.


The leaf vacuum collection district is bounded by I-495, I-270, the Rockville City limits, Norbeck, Bel Pre and Bonifant roads, Northwest Branch Park, and the District of Columbia and Prince George’s County lines.


DHS posts leaf vacuuming schedules for each neighborhood online and updates them on an ongoing basis if changes occur due to weather conditions. Prior to beginning collections, DHS will post signs along streets indicating that collection will begin and directing residents to DHS’ website for more information. Schedules for 2017 will be posted later this month.


When gathering leaves for collection, residents are asked to pile them near the street, but off the road. Also, avoid placing leaves on road shoulders, rain gardens and bike lanes. Placing leaves in these areas can disrupt traffic, negatively impact stormwater drainage, hamper snow removal operations, pose a fire hazard risk for automobiles parked over them, limit the availability of residential parking and pose a safety risk to children and adults. Leaves, especially when wet, are a hazard for cyclists and pedestrians.


The leaf collection program is restricted to leaves only. Tree debris, sticks, branches or coarse garden debris should be placed in containers or tied in bundles no more than four feet long and set out for yard trim pick up.


Residents who miss the two scheduled vacuum collections can still have their leaves collected by placing them in paper yard trim bags or reusable containers for pick up on their regular yard trim collection day. Leaves placed in plastic bags will not be accepted.


To determine if a residence is within the boundaries of the leaf vacuum collection district or to view the leaf collection schedule, visit DHS’s website or contact the Montgomery County Call Center online, by calling 311 from inside the County, calling 240-777-0311 from outside the County, or calling TTY at 301-251-4850. The number for MD Relay is 711 or use the toll free/out of state number 1-800-735-2258.

Release ID: 17-206
Media Contact: Esther Bowring 240-777-7155

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