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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, November 7, 2017

“Montgomery County has a long history of programs and policies designed to increase opportunities for low-wage workers – more than just about any other jurisdiction. That includes prior increases in the County minimum wage, a law requiring County government contractors to pay a ‘living wage,’ a County earned income tax credit, and paid sick leave requirements – among others.

“Montgomery County residents who work hard to support themselves and their families need and deserve yet another increase in the minimum wage. The question over the past year has been how much, within what time period, and how we mitigate possible negative impacts on our small businesses and on youth employment. Good intentions are not enough. That is why I vetoed the bill passed 5-4 by the Council last January.

“Based on the changes from the original bill, what the County Council approved today is close enough to the conditions I laid down for my support that I will sign the measure into law.”

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Release ID: 17-439
Media Contact: Patrick Lacefield 240-777-6528