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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Monday, November 20, 2017

The Montgomery County Department of Liquor Control (DLC) has received the 2017 National StateWays Best Practices Award for its Legislative Outreach Program. The award specifically recognizes the DLC for its efforts in reaching out to local and state leaders at last year’s Maryland Alcohol Forum. 

“We are very excited to have won this national award,” said Robert Dorfman, director of the DLC. “We are a national model for public safety and it remains one of our highest priorities.” 

The forum, “Innovative Solutions to Keeping Communities Safe,” was geared to alcohol licensing administrators from counties around the state. The event highlighted alcohol licensing needs, which require legislative changes at the state level, and it educated attendees about the public safety benefits of alcohol regulation. The forum was funded by the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA).

“Participants were involved in open discussions about the importance of alcohol regulation as it pertains to public health,” said Emily DeTitta, outreach manager for the DLC. “It was very positive. The event revealed common goals such as supporting the health and welfare of our residents and creating a safe and vibrant nightlife.”

Click here for more information about the National StateWays Award.

The DLC supports innovative licensing as an economic driver to attract and support new business concepts and as a public safety tool to integrate policy and planning to avoid over regulation. By engaging legislative leaders, the DLC paved the way for local breweries to expand their business model, for restaurants serving spirits to also sell beer and wine to-go, and for alcohol to be served in moderation at hair salons, small performing arts theaters and art galleries.

Over the past few years, the number of alcohol licensed businesses in Montgomery County has been the highest in County history, at nearly 1,100, which is second in the state behind Baltimore City.

For more details about the DLC, visit its website.


Release ID: 17-439
Media Contact: Melissa Davis 240.777.1915