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For Immediate Release: Friday, April 13, 2018

The Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection has announced six winners of the 2018 Storm Drain Art Contest. The contest is part of the County’s outreach efforts to educate residents on the importance of stormwater management and the connection between stormwater drains and our County streams and the Chesapeake Bay.  

The contest was hosted in partnership with the Mid-County Regional Services Center, the Wheaton Urban District, and the Wheaton Arts and Entertainment District and in collaboration with the County’s Department of Transportation, Montgomery Parks, Friends of Sligo Creek, One Montgomery Green and Rock Creek Conservancy 

The County is always trying to innovate ways to engage the public in environmental protection”, said Patty Bubar, acting director of the Department of Environmental Protection. “Art crosses languages and cultures and truly unites us in the County. The storm drain art contest, and the beautiful storm drain art pieces that will result from the contest, will hopefully allow our message to reach new audiences and inspire residents young and old to help keep our streams clean.” 

The winners were selected from 68 entries by a panel of judges and public voting.  Each entry included a short tagline or message -- in any language -- related to the chosen theme. The contest, which opened in January, was open to County residents of all ages.  

The winners are: 

  • Celebrate Wheaton’s Cultural Diversity: Diane Perryfor Water Keep It Clean 

  • Environment and Youth (For ages 16 and under only): Brandon Hsufor Crystal Clear Bay 

  • Fight Litter: Danielle Levesque for Keep the Bay Clean  

  • Water: Carrie Witkop for Blue Crab Defends Storm Drain 

  • Wheaton Heritage: Lizabeth Murphy for Working Together for Clean Water  

  • People’s Choice: Jules Gross for Don’t Litter, It Hurts Our Critters 


Winning artwork will be painted on storm drains in Wheaton this month in celebration of Earth Month. Volunteers are needed to help with painting the storm drains. For information on volunteer dates and how to sign up, email 

"We are very excited to work in partnership with the Department of Environmental Protection on this storm drain art contest in downtown Wheaton.” said Sydney Cooper, Wheaton Urban District marketing and events manager. “This project is a real win-win for everyone: we are engaging and educating the community on how to protect our waterways; beautifying Wheaton with public art created by local artists; and supporting our A&E District in the process."  

For more information about DEP Earth Month activities, go to 

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Media Contact: Judy Stiles 240-777-6507 




Release ID: 18-514
Media Contact: Judy Stiles 240-777-6507