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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Thursday, October 5, 2023

The seventh episode of the Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services (DPS) Podcast focuses on “Public Right-of-Way” information. It provides tips about how to know where a property ends and where the public right-of-way begins; who maintains it; what can be located in the public right-of-way; and when a permit is needed.

“If you have ever wondered about the public right-of-way near your home or business, this is the podcast for you,” said DPS Customer Support and Outreach Division Chief Gail Lucas, who hosts the podcast. “We often get questions from customers about what can and cannot go in the right-of-way. This podcast addresses those questions and more, including how to get a right-of-way permit.”

The Department of Permitting Services podcast is now available on the DPS website and various podcast platforms, including AmazonApple and Spotify. It also is available at Subscribe to the podcast by tapping the “plus” or “follow” sign on the podcast provider’s platform.

Joining DPS Podcast host Lucas for the discussion is DPS Plan Reviewer Alex Weintraub, who has worked as a DPS inspector in the field.

“There are a variety of factors that go into determining what can and cannot go into the public right-of-way,” said Plan Reviewer Weintraub.  “For instance, these factors might include the presence of a sidewalk, the location of utilities or if the proposed could pose as an obstruction and danger to the traveling public.”

Weintraub said it is also important to know if the County, State or a municipality maintains the public right-of-way when answering these questions.

Other topics covered in the podcast include right-of-way permits for dumpsters and storage pods on private property and the public right-of-way; electric vehicle charging stations in the public right-of-way; and outdoor café seating in the public right-of-way.

Plan Reviewer Weintraub suggests customers meet with an inspector before applying for a right-of-way permit.  

For more information and resources about the public right-of-way, visit the Land Development division webpage on the DPS website.

Previous podcast episodes have covered building safety, deck permits, commercial building trends, what business owners need to know about use and occupancy certificates, fence permits, septic systems, urban farming and zoning.

Residents are encouraged to send questions and ideas for future podcast episodes to [email protected].  

The Department of Permitting Services is located at 2425 Reedie Drive, 7th Floor in Wheaton. The customer service lobby is open from 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday-Friday. Appointments are not necessary to get in-person assistance. Customers may also reach out to DPS staff by calling MC 311 or 240-777-0311.  

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Release ID: 23-436
Media Contact: Sonya Burke 240-777-6272