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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Monday, October 16, 2023

Also on Oct. 17: Briefing on the Semi-Annual Report of the Montgomery County Planning Board; Public hearings on proposed legislation including Bill 35-23, County Minimum Wage – Tipped Employees

The Montgomery County Council will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 17 starting at 9:15 a.m. The Council will receive briefings on three reports—the Effects of Pay Equity Legislation on Gender Pay Disparities, the Biennial Gender-Based Pay Equity Analysis and the Semi-Annual Report of the Planning Board.

More detail on each agenda item is provided below. 

Legislative Session

Expedited Bill 39-23, OPT/SLT - Pension Multiplier Corrections for Group E and J Members

Introduction: The Council president, at the request of the County Executive, will introduce Expedited Bill 39-23, OPT/SLT - Pension Multiplier Corrections for Group E and J Members. Expedited Bill 39-23 would amend Group E and Group J pension multipliers to correct a drafting error, implement bargained terms regarding the multipliers, and generally amend pension and retirement laws.

The expedited bill is proposed by the County Executive to amend Group E and Group J pension multipliers to correct a drafting error in Expedited Bill 20-23, which was enacted to implement provisions of the negotiated Memorandum of Agreement between the Montgomery County Government and the Municipal and County Government Employees Organization, UFCW, Local 1994 (MCGEO). Group E is the retirement plan for sworn deputy sheriffs and uniformed correctional officers. Group J is the retirement plan for public safety correctional staff.

A public hearing is tentatively scheduled for Nov. 7.

Office of Human Resources - Pay Equity Reports and Update on County Government Vacancies

Briefing: The Council will receive a briefing on the two reports required under Bill 4-19: Effect of Pay Equity Legislation on Gender Pay Disparities and Biennial Gender-Based Pay Equity Analysis, FY21. The Council will also receive an update on vacancies in Montgomery County government. The reports were transmitted to the Council on July 3, 2023.

In 2019, the Montgomery County Council passed the Pay Equity Act, spearheaded by Council President Evan Glass, to ensure gender pay equity for government employees. The legislation prohibits the County from requesting salary history from an applicant for County employment and prohibits the County from relying on salary history to determine an applicant's starting salary. Its first biennial report shows that the pay program ensures equity at a level outpacing local, state and national labor markets.

District Council Session

ZTA 23-06, Fenton Village (FV) Overlay Zone - Site Plan

Introduction: Lead sponsors Council President Evan Glass and Councilmember Kate Stewart will introduce Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 23-06, Fenton Village (FV) Overlay Zone – Site Plan, which would remove the site plan requirement for certain projects in the Fenton Village Overlay Zone. Under the current zoning ordinance, site plan approval is required for any development in the Fenton Village Overlay Zone. ZTA 23-06 will exempt minor developments from site plan approval, including any addition, reconstruction or exterior alteration that is one-story, up to a maximum of 15 feet and/or that changes the gross floor area by less than 1,000 square feet. The minimum setbacks in the underlying zone will also need to be met.

A public hearing is tentatively scheduled for Nov. 28.

Semi-Annual Presentation of the Montgomery Planning and Parks Departments

Briefing: The Council will receive its semi-annual presentation of the Planning Board about the Montgomery Planning and Parks departments. The report outlines the accomplishments and the current work programs of both the Montgomery Planning and Parks departments. Representatives from each department will provide an update on ongoing and upcoming work within Parks and Planning. The briefing will also include an update on the Planning Department’s proposed work program schedule for master plans and studies.

Consent Calendar

Each item on the Council’s Consent Calendar can be found on the Council agenda for Tuesday, Oct. 17, which is available on the Council website.


Triannual Lunchtime Meeting with Regional Services Center Directors

Briefing: The Council will hold a lunchtime meeting with the Regional Service Center (RSC) directors, who will brief the Council on each region’s accomplishments and current needs. The mission of the five RSCs is to represent the County in their respective regions by providing effective, timely liaison between Montgomery County and its residents and businesses.

Public Hearings

Unless otherwise noted, the Council will hold the following hybrid public hearings at 1:30 p.m. Residents can visit the Council website to learn about the multiple ways to provide testimony.

The Council meeting schedule may change from time to time. View the current Council and Committee agendas, Council staff reports and additional information on items scheduled for Council review on the Council website.

Council and committee meetings are streamed live on the Council’s web page via YouTube and on Facebook Live and can be watched on County Cable Montgomery on Xfinity/RCN 6 HD 996/1056, Fios 30, and on the CCM live stream.

Release ID: 23-338
Media Contact: Sonya Healy 240-777-7926, Benjamin Sky Brandt 240-777-7884