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For Immediate Release: Monday, October 23, 2023

Also on Oct. 24: Votes expected on WSSC Water Spending Control Limits and legislation regarding the Policing Advisory Commission

The Montgomery County Council will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 9 a.m. and will begin with three proclamation presentations. The first, presented by Councilmember Sidney Katz and County Executive Marc Elrich will recognize Fire Prevention Month. The second, presented by Council President Evan Glass, will recognize White Cane Awareness Day. The third, presented by Councilmember Laurie-Anne Sayles, will commemorate Stop Bullying Day.

At 1:15 p.m. two additional proclamations will be presented. The first, presented by Councilmembers Will Jawando, Gabe Albornoz and Kristin Mink, will recognize National Principals Month. The second, presented by Councilmember Dawn Luedtke, will recognize National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

More detail on each agenda item is provided below. 

Report of State Development Review Process Workgroup

Briefing: At 9:45 a.m., the Council will receive a briefing on the final report issued by the State Development Review Workgroup. The Development Review Process Workgroup, chaired by Maryland State Delegate Lesley Lopez, was made up of representatives from the County Executive’s office, the Planning Department, County Council, executive agencies, community representatives, developers and utilities. The workgroup examined the County’s development review process and focused on finding opportunities to improve economic competitiveness. The workgroup met nine times between June and Sept. 2023 and held three listening sessions. The workgroup reached a consensus on 22 recommendations, which are covered in detail in the final report.

State Legislative Priorities

Review: At 10:35 a.m., the Council will meet to review state legislative proposals in advance of the 2024 Maryland General Assembly Session. The Council will review state legislation and FY25 state funding requests proposed by the Executive branch.

District Council Session

ZTA 23-07, Bethesda (B) Overlay Zone and Downtown Silver Spring (DDS) Overlay Zone - Park Improvement Payments and Civic Improvement Funds

Introduction: The Council president, at the request of the County Executive, will introduce Zoning Text Amendment (ZTA) 23-07, Bethesda (B) Overlay Zone and Downtown Silver Spring (DDS) Overlay Zone - Park Improvement Payments and Civic Improvement Funds. The zoning measure would modify the method the biennial adjustments are calculated and set an inflation limit in the Bethesda Overlay Zone’s Park Improvement Payment and the Downtown Silver Spring Overlay Zone’s Civic Improvement Fund.

In June 2023, the Council enacted Expedited Bill 25-23, Taxation - Development Impact Taxes for Transportation and Public School Improvements – Amendments, along with an accompanying resolution that modified the calculation for the biennial adjustments for school and transportation taxes. The purpose of ZTA 23-07, as recommended by the Planning Board, is to mirror and adopt the changes made to the impact tax calculation in the County Code. A public hearing is tentatively scheduled for Nov. 28.

WSSC Water Spending Control Limits

Vote expected: The Council is expected to vote on spending control limits for WSSC Water’s FY25 Budget. WSSC Water’s spending control limits process was established in April 1994 by both the Montgomery County Council and Prince George’s County Council. The goal of the spending control limits process is to reconcile both Council’s actions by Nov. 1 of each year so that WSSC Water can build the approved limits into its upcoming operating budget public hearing draft document, which will be released for public comment by Jan. 15, 2024. WSSC Water’s operating budget request will be formally transmitted to both counties by March 1.

Consent Calendar

Each item on the Council’s Consent Calendar can be found on the Council agenda for Tuesday, Oct. 24, which is available on the Council website.

Legislative Session

Bill 32-23, Police - Policing Advisory Commission - Amendments

Vote expected: The Council is expected to vote on Bill 32-23, Police - Policing Advisory Commission – Amendments. The bill would rename the Policing Advisory Commission so that it will now be known as the Community Advisory Commission on Public Safety; amend the law regarding the Policing Advisory Commission, the appointment of members and scope of the commission; and generally, amend the law regarding policing, public safety and law enforcement. The lead sponsor is Councilmember Luedtke.

Executive Director Recruitment Committee

Proposed Closed Session: The ad hoc Executive Director Recruitment Committee intends to meet in closed session at 3 p.m. to discuss the appointment, employment, assignment, promotion, discipline, demotion, compensation, removal, resignation or performance evaluation of appointees, employees or officials over whom it has jurisdiction, under Maryland Code, General Provisions Article §3-305(b)(1)(i); and to discuss, before a contract is awarded, a matter directly related to a negotiating strategy or the contents of a bid or proposal under Maryland Code, General Provisions Article §3-305(b)(14). The topics will be the appointment of an employee over whom the Council has jurisdiction and the consideration of bid proposals for professional services before a contract is made.

The purpose of this ad hoc Council committee is to evaluate the role and responsibilities of the Council's executive director position and make decisions about the recruitment process. The work of this temporary committee coincides with Council Executive Director Marlene Michaelson's decision to leave her post in February 2024.

The Council meeting schedule may change from time to time. View the current Council and Committee agendas, Council staff reports and additional information on items scheduled for Council review on the Council website.

Council and committee meetings are streamed live on the Council’s web page via YouTube and on Facebook Live and can be watched on County Cable Montgomery on Xfinity/RCN 6 HD 996/1056, Fios 30, and on the CCM live stream.

Release ID: 23-349
Media Contact: Sonya Healy 240-777-7926, Benjamin Sky Brandt 240-777-7884