For Immediate Release: Wednesday, April 24, 2024
The joint Government Operations and Fiscal Policy (GO) and Transportation and Environment (TE) Committee will meet on Thursday, April 25 at 9 a.m. to review the recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Montgomery County Green Bank NDA.
The members of the TE Committee include Chair Evan Glass, Councilmember Marilyn Balcombe and Vice President Kate Stewart.
The members of the GO Committee include Chair and Council Vice President Stewart, Council President Andrew Friedson and Councilmember Sidney Katz.
The GO Committee will meet at 10 a.m. to review the recommended FY25 Operating Budgets for the Office of the County Council and the Legislative Communications and Outreach NDA, the Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO) and the Office of Grants Management. Additionally, the committee will review NDAs for Independent Audit, Community Grants, and Cost Sharing for Montgomery County Government.
The Economic Development (ECON) Committee will meet at 10 a.m. to review the recommended FY25 Operating Budget for Alcohol Beverage Services (ABS), the Business Center Team and BioHub Maryland. A Capital Improvements Program (CIP) amendment for refreshing ABS’ retail stores will also be reviewed. Additionally, the committee will review NDAs for the Conference and Visitor’s Bureau and Small Business Support Services.
The members of the ECON Committee include Chair Natali Fani-González and Councilmembers Balcombe, Glass and Laurie-Anne Sayles.
The TE Committee will meet at 1:30 p.m. to review the recommended FY25 Operating Budgets for the Climate Response NDA, Homeowners Association Roads Reimbursement NDA, the Parking Lot Districts, the Rockville Parking District NDA, FY25 transportation fees, fines and fares and the FY23-30 CIP Revisions.
The Education and Culture (EC) Committee will meet at 1:30 p.m. to review the recommended FY25 Operating Budgets for Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL), the Takoma Park Library Payment NDA, the Arts and Humanities Council NDA and Community Use of Public Facilities.
The members of the EC Committee include Chair Will Jawando and Councilmembers Gabe Albornoz and Kristin Mink.
More detail on each agenda item is provided below.
Montgomery County Green Bank NDA
Review: The joint GO and TE Committee will review the County Executive’s $19.1 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Montgomery County Green Bank NDA, which represents an increase of $478,00, or 2.5 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. The increase is a result of total energy tax revenue. The Montgomery County Green Bank was created in FY23 after the adoption of Bill 44-21, which created an annual funding mechanism for the Green Bank and focused portions of that annual funding for specific purposes. Under Bill 44-21, the County is required to appropriate 10 percent of the County’s fuel-energy tax revenue to the Green Bank, and the amount recommended by the Executive for FY25 represents 10 percent of the projected revenue.
Legislative Branch Communications and Outreach NDA
Review: The GO Committee will review the County Executive’s more than $2.7 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Legislative Branch Communications Outreach NDA, which is an increase of more than $352,000, or 14 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. This NDA provides funds to strengthen the capacity of the five legislative branch offices (the Council Office, the Office of Legislative Oversight, the Board of Appeals, the Office of Zoning and Administrative Hearings and the Office of the Inspector General). An additional community outreach position is recommended in the FY25 budget along with an increase for translation and interpretation services and multicultural outreach materials and digital advertising on key public policy issues.
Review: The GO Committee will review the County Executive’s $19.1 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Office of the County Council, which is an increase of more than $2.3 million, or 14.2 percent from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. This increase reflects a shift in funding from the Cable Fund to the General Fund as funding available from Cable revenues continues to decrease. Personnel costs also reflect the annualization of FY24 compensation adjustments and proposed FY25 compensation increases. The proposed budget also includes technical adjustments within Councilmember Offices to account for inflation and increased service needs.
Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO)
Review: The GO Committee will review the County Executive’s more than $2.7 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for OLO, which is an increase of $382,000, or 16 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. The mission of OLO is to determine the effectiveness of legislation enacted by the Council and to make findings and recommendations concerning the performance, management and operation of programs and functions for which funds are appropriated or approved by the Council.
Review: The GO Committee will review the County Executive’s $432,242 recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Independent Audit NDA, which is an increase of $732, or 0.2 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. Section 315 of the County Charter requires the Council to contract with a Certified Public Accountant for an independent post audit of all financial records and actions of the County government, its officials, and employees. By County Resolution, the Office of Legislative Oversight is the designated administrator for this contract, which also includes an independent audit of the basic financial statement of the Employee Retirement Plans; an independent audit of the Consolidated Retiree Health Benefits Trust; an independent audit of the basic financial statements of the Montgomery County Union Employees Deferred Compensation Plan; and additional services related to reviews, tests and certifications.
Review: The GO Committee will review the County Executive’s $10.92 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Community Grants NDA, which represents a decrease of $697,747, or six percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. In FY25, the Office of Grants Management will prioritize assisting departments in transitioning their program funding from procurement contracts to grant agreements. The focus will be on facilitating department-led and funded "targeted" grant programs instead of "open" grant programs funded by the Community Grants NDA. The ongoing experience and data from FY24 grant program implementation further supports that "targeted" grant programs are strategically more effective, administratively smoother and help better achieve the County’s equity goals.
Review: The GO Committee will review the Cost Sharing CIP, which provides for the development of nongovernmental projects where County funding leverages private and other public funds. CIP changes for FY25 include $500,000 for the Sexual and Gender Minorities Health Center Project, $3.25 million for the Glen Echo Park Spanish Ballroom Project, $500,000 for the Identity Headquarters and Community Center, and $1.5 million for FY25 Capital Grants. Among these projects, $4.25 million in funding is budgeted through Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reimbursements.
In FY24 and FY25, Cost Sharing Grants will be awarded through a formal grants review and approval process overseen by the Office of Grants Management. The application for the FY24 Cost Sharing Capital grants program opened Feb. 19 and closed on March 19. There is $2 million in non-arts capital grants available, which includes $1.25 million to match an appropriated Maryland State bond bills and $750,000 for other small capital projects.
Review: The GO Committee will review the County Executive’s more than $1 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Office of Grants Management, which represents an increase of $435,130, or 71 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. The Office of Grants Management serves as central point of contact regarding grants that the County receives or awards, provides technical assistance regarding grants management to Executive Branch departments and searches out and identifies federal and state grant opportunities. More detail is available in the staff report.
Review: The ECON Committee will review the County Executive’s more than $74 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for ABS, which is an increase of $3.8 million, or 5.4 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. ABS provides licensing, wholesale and retail sales of beverage alcohol products, enforcement and education and training programs. This is a non-tax-supported enterprise fund and in FY25, projections indicate ABS will transfer funds to the General Fund and make debt service payments on Liquor Control Revenue Bonds. Amendments to the FY25-30 CIP include increases to relocate or renovate retail stores, upgrades to the warehouse conveyor system and the purchase of delivery trucks. More detail is available in the staff report.
Conference and Visitor’s Bureau NDA
Review: The ECON Committee will review the County Executive’s more than $2.3 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Conference and Visitors Bureau NDA, which represents an increase of $165,905, or 7.6 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. The increase would add an agritourism marketing and business development position and a three percent inflationary adjustment to the NDA. The Conference and Visitors Bureau, also known as Visit Montgomery, promotes the County as a destination for meetings, conferences, student group travel, group tours, leisure travel and sports events.
Business Center Team (CEX) and Small Business Support Services NDA
Review: The ECON Committee will review the County Executive’s recommended FY25 Operating Budgets for the Business Center Team and Small Business Support Services NDA. The FY25 recommended budget for the Business Center Team is $744,786, which is a decrease of $343,758, or 31 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. The FY25 recommended budget for the Small Business Support Services NDA is more than $2.4 million, which represents an increase of $991,347, or 66 percent, from the approved FY24 budget. The changes in both budgets are due in part to a shift in funding from the Business Center Team to the Small Business Support Services NDA. The Business Center Team coordinates the delivery of County services and projects related to business development. The Small Business Support Services NDA provides a vehicle for funding ongoing contracts with third parties to provide specialized assistance and programs for small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Review: The ECON Committee will review the County Executive’s $562,436 recommended FY25 Operating Budget to establish BioHub Maryland in Montgomery County. There was no funding appropriated for this for this project in FY24. The FY25 recommended budget would support the funding to operate a 7,500-square-foot biomanufacturing training center. More detail is available in the staff report.
Review: The TE Committee will review the County Executive’s $2.8 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Climate Response NDA, which represents no change from the approved FY24 budget. This NDA supports the County's mission to ensure the safe and convenient movement of persons, bicycles and vehicles throughout the County in response to winter snowstorms and severe weather events. The funds for this program support the costs accrued by the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) and the Department of General Services (DGS) when actual expenditures exceed their individual snow removal and storm cleanup budgeted amounts, which is a circumstance that occurs every year.
Homeowners Association Roads Reimbursement NDA
Review: The TE Committee will review the County Executive’s $62,089 recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Homeowners Association (HOA) Road Reimbursement NDA, which represents no change from the approved FY24 budget. This NDA consists of two reimbursement programs, which includes a state program and a County program. The recommended funding in the NDA is entirely for the state program, which reimburses HOAs for roads eligible to be counted for state highway user revenue. The funds associated with these roads are sent to the County and then passed through to the HOAs. The County program was intended to reimburse HOAs for eligible roads at roughly the cost that the County spends to maintain its own roads, however since FY11, the County has suspended funding for this program. More detail is available in the staff report.
Review: The TE Committee will review the County Executive’s $28.8 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the County’s three Parking Lot Districts, which is an increase of more than $1.6 million, or 5.9 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. The increase includes $699,495 for Bethesda, a $477,651 increase for Silver Spring, and a $436,500 increase for Wheaton. Service increases include enhancements for overnight security attendant costs and the replacement of aging single space meters at all three districts. More detail is available in the staff report.
FY25-30 CIP Revisions- Transportation
Review: The TE Committee will review the County Executive’s recommended revisions to the FY25-30 CIP that relate to transportation projects. These include revisions to the cost of security camera systems and facility renovation at the County’s Parking Lot Districts, adjustments for bus rapid transit, and technical adjusts to the Seven Locks Road Culvert Replacement Project and the Bridge Renovation Project. Additional details can be found in the staff report.
Rockville Parking District NDA
Review: The TE Committee will review the County Executive’s $426,900 recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Rockville Parking District NDA, which is an increase of $4,600, or 1.9 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. The increase is due to an increase in the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) component of this reimbursement to the City of Rockville. The payment also includes an annual debt service payment of $180,000 and a $99,600 charge for Rockville Library employee parking, both of which are unchanged from the FY24 Operating Budget. The Rockville Parking District NDA is the result of a memorandum of understanding between the County and the City of Rockville that pays for the County’s share of costs associated with parking garages in the Rockville Town Center.
FY25 Transportation Fees, Fines, and Fares
Review: The TE Committee will review the County Executive’s proposed FY25 resolution on transportation fees, charges and fares. The proposed resolution maintains, with no changes, the fees, charges, and fares that the Council approved in May 2023. The full list of fees, charges and fares can be found in the staff report.
Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL)
Review: The EC Committee will review the County Executive’s more than $52 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for MCPL, which is an increase of more than $3.6 million, or 7.3 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. The increase includes additional funds for the collections acquisition budget for digital materials, the world languages collection and for staff training. MCPL consists of 23 library sites including the Noyes Library for Young Children, the Montgomery County Correctional Facility Library and the Collection Management Center. Library services are available free of charge to all County residents, Maryland residents and those working or attending school in Montgomery County.
Takoma Park Library Payment NDA
Review: The EC Committee will review the County Executive’s $184,090 recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Takoma Park Library Payment NDA, which is an increase of $11,674, or 6.8 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. The annual amount provided in this NDA is a function of County expenditures for MCPL as a share of property tax-funded spending and the City of Takoma Park's assessable base.
Review: The EC Committee will review the County Executive’s $1.9 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Kid Museum NDA, which is an increase of $55,824, or three percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. The increase is due solely to the three percent inflationary adjustment for nonprofit contracts. This NDA was created in FY22 to provide general operating support from the County for the KID Museum which is a learning space that provides hands-on learning that incorporates STEM, arts and culture with skills like creativity and critical thinking.
Arts and Humanities Council NDA
Review: The EC Committee will review the County Executive’s $6.8 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County NDA, which is an increase of $199,471, or three percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. The increase is due solely to the three percent inflationary adjustment for nonprofit contracts.
This NDA provides funding for the Arts and Humanities Council of Montgomery County, which is the County's designated local arts agency. The funding supports grants and technical assistance for arts and humanities organizations, individuals, scholars and groups.
Community Use of Public Facilities (CUPF)
Review: The EC Committee will review the County Executive’s $11.4 million recommended FY25 Operating Budget for Community Use of Public Facilities (CUPF), which is an increase of $301,237, or 2.7 percent, from the approved FY24 Operating Budget. CUPF provides community users and public agencies with access to public facilities for services, programs and events. The program is supported by an enterprise fund and does not receive tax dollars to support its operations.
The Committee meeting schedule may change from time to time. View the current Council and Committee agendas, Council staff reports and additional information on items scheduled for Council review on the Council website.
Council and committee meetings are streamed live on the Council’s web page via YouTube and on Facebook Live and can be watched on County Cable Montgomery on Xfinity/RCN 6 HD 996/1056, Fios 30, and on the CCM live stream.
Release ID: 24-163