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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Committee will review the Council’s commitment statement to racial equity and social justice and a resolution to approve the Tax Supported Fiscal Plan Summary for the FY25-30 Public Services Program

The Government Operations and Fiscal Policy (GO) Committee will meet on Thursday, June 13 at 1 p.m. to review a draft of the Council’s 2024 commitment statement to racial equity and social justice. In addition, the committee will review the Tax Supported Fiscal Plan Summary for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025-30 Public Services Program.

The members of the GO Committee include Chair and Council Vice President Kate Stewart, Council President Andrew Friedson and Councilmember Sidney Katz.

More detail on each agenda item is provided below. 

Council Commitment Statement to Racial Equity and Social Justice

Review: The GO Committee will review a draft of the Council’s 2024 commitment statement to racial equity and social justice. The current statement was approved through Council resolution on Nov. 29, 2022 with the intent to review and revise the statement during the second year of each Council. The statement articulates the commitment of the County Council to racial equity and social justice and affirms the need for racial equity and social justice in Montgomery County. The current statement can be found in the staff report. 

Tax Supported Fiscal Plan Summary for FY25-30 Public Services Program

Review: The GO Committee will review a resolution to approve the Tax Supported Fiscal Plan Summary for the FY25-30 Public Services Program. The FY25-30 Tax Supported Fiscal Plan Summary, like all versions of the fiscal plan, reflects current fiscal projections and policy assumptions when the Council adopted the FY25 Operating Budget and the FY25-FY30 Capital Improvements Program (CIP). Future versions of the FY25-30 Tax Supported Fiscal Plan Summary will change as economic and fiscal conditions are better understood. The December 2024 update will reflect changes to FY25-30 revenue estimates. The March 2025 version, included with the Executive’s recommended budget, will include revised revenue projections and updated expenditures for the County government and its agencies in FY25.

A Council vote is tentatively scheduled for June 25.

The Committee meeting schedule may change from time to time. View the current Council and Committee agendas, Council staff reports and additional information on items scheduled for Council review on the Council website.

Council and committee meetings are streamed live on the Council’s web page via YouTube and on Facebook Live and can be watched on County Cable Montgomery on Xfinity/RCN 6 HD 996/1056, Fios 30, and on the CCM live stream.

Release ID: 24-223
Media Contact: Sonya Healy 240-777-7926, Benjamin Sky Brandt 240-777-7884