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For Immediate Release: Monday, June 24, 2024

Commemoration will highlight LGBTQ+ community members making a difference in Montgomery County 

ROCKVILLE, Md., June 24 2024The Montgomery County Council will commemorate Pride Month on Tuesday, June 25 at 11:30 a.m. The County hosted its sixth Pride flag raising ceremony on June 10th 

"Pride is a time to celebrate and uplift our LGBTQ+ community by coming together to send a positive, unequivocal message of support, and a reminder that everyone has a right to live freely and authentically,” said Council President Andrew Friedson. “As states across the nation introduce restrictive laws targeting the LGBTQ+ community and LGBTQ+ youth, we are striving in Montgomery County to create a welcoming, inclusive community where all our residents are free to be who they are and love who they choose.”   

"Montgomery County has consistently led the way on embracing our diversity and supporting the LGBTQ+ community," said Councilmember Evan Glass, the first openly LGBTQ+ member of the Council. "I’m extremely proud that my colleagues and I recently provided record funding to the MoCo Pride Center, the main local nonprofit providing resources and support to the LGBTQ+ community and its allies. This effort builds upon our record of passing the LGBTQ+ Bill of Rights, expanding access to gender-neutral restrooms, and supporting the Anti-Hate Task Force. look forward to our continued work creating a safer, more inclusive, more equitable community."   

This year’s theme is “Champions of Pride: Advocates for Unity and Empowerment.” The commemoration will include a video documenting Pride leaders making a difference in our communities. The interviewed guests include Reverend Ali K.C. Bell, Assistant Minister at Cedar Lane Unitarian Universalist Church, Phillip Alexander Downie, Director and Chief Executive of Live in Your Truth, and Armando Trull, Chief Executive and Creative Officer of Armando Multimedia. 

The Council commemoration will be streaming live on the Council’s Facebook page, YouTube channel and Council website. Residents also will be able to watch live on television on Comcast/RCN channels 996/1056 Verizon channel 30. 

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Release ID: 24-242
Media Contact: Lucia Jimenez 240-777-7832, Sonya Healy 240-777-7926
Categories: Andrew Friedson, Evan Glass