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For Immediate Release: Tuesday, September 10, 2024

From the Office of Councilmember Fani-González

ROCKVILLE, Md., Sept. 10, 2024Today, Councilmembers Natali Fani-González and Gabe Albornoz introduced Bill 15-24 to expand the existing property tax credit, initially established by Bill 39-21 in 2022, to public safety officers serving as Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) Park Police and WSSC Water Police. The bill, Property Tax Credit for Park and WSSC Water Police, amends Section 52-112 of the Montgomery County Code, which provides real property tax credits for public safety officers. Council President Andrew Friedson and Councilmembers Luedtke, Glass, Katz, Jawando, Balcombe, and Sayles are co-sponsors.

The legislation aims to recognize these officers' critical role in maintaining public safety in Montgomery County's parks and water systems while addressing the ongoing challenges in recruiting and retaining public safety professionals. The credit will offer eligible Park and WSSC Water Police officers up to $2,500 in relief on their county property taxes, providing a significant financial incentive for those using their property as their principal residence. 

"As we continue to face recruitment challenges in public safety, this extension of the property tax credit provides another tool to support and attract these essential workers," said Councilmember Fani-González, who chairs the Economic Development Committee. "Our Park and WSSC Police officers deserve the same recognition and benefits as other public safety workers, and this credit helps us do just that." 

To qualify for the credit, public safety officers must meet specific criteria, including owning and using their property as their principal residence for at least six months during the taxable year. Officers must also apply for the credit with the Montgomery County Director of Finance by April 1 of the tax year before the credit is sought. Continuous eligibility is required to maintain the benefit, and any lapse could result in the termination of the credit. 

“Bill 15-24 is a common sense measure that ensures all public safety officers are able to receive important County benefits, no matter what department they serve in,” said Councilmember Gabe Albornoz, Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee. “The bill does not propose any changes to the existing tax credit framework; it merely expands its reach to include these specialized police agencies. Park Police officers provide quality public safety services throughout our Park system and WSSC officers protect one of our most precious resources – our water supply. These two groups provide an invaluable service to Montgomery County. I am proud to be a lead sponsor of this legislation.”

"The Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #30 thanks Councilmembers Fani-González and Albornoz for their recognition and support of the officers of the Maryland-National Capital Park Police, Montgomery County Division, in Bill 15-24,"said Jonathan Ness, President of the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #30, Inc., Maryland-National Capital Park Police.  "We believe this inclusion will not only help attract new officers, but also encourage more of our members to play a larger part in the community as residents.  We are hopeful that access to this tax credit will result in an increase in the number of members who reside in Montgomery County, which is currently less than one third of the Division." 

“I am thankful to Councilmembers Fani-Gonzalez and Albornoz for introducing a bill that will help us attract and retain committed park police officers,” said Artie Harris, Montgomery County Planning Board Chair. “It is so important to ensure that the officers who protect Montgomery Parks can afford to live here too.”

The County Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed legislation on Oct. 1 at 1:30pm at the County Council Building.

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Release ID: 24-317
Media Contact: Tommy Heyboer 240-777-7867, Beth Shuman 240-777-7967
Categories: Gabe Albornoz, Natali Fani-González