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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Monday, March 3, 2025

Effective March 1, the 2025 Voluntary Rent Guideline (VRG) for Montgomery County increased to 3.3 percent. The VRG for 2024 was 2.6 percent.  

Under County law, the VRG is updated annually to represent the prior year's increase in the rental component of the Consumer Price Index for the Washington Metropolitan Statistical Area. The established guideline reflects the inflationary pressures of the real estate industry in this area. The VRG has been a valuable tool for the County to protect affordable housing for more than three decades. 

The VRG limit on rent increases is voluntary to all County-licensed residential rentals, including rental units in multifamily buildings, houses, townhouses, individual condominium units, and accessory dwelling units.  However, the VRG is mandatory for rental units regulated under the Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) program and other regulatory agreements.

"While VRG is mainly voluntary, we appreciate the cooperation of property owners who adhere to these guidelines and help maintain the quality of life for those individuals and families who rent and call Montgomery County home," said Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich. “The County remains focused on protecting housing affordability. Rent hikes can add another stressful burden to families and individuals who are already struggling to put food on their table and pay their bills. The Voluntary Rent Guideline also acknowledges inflationary pressures for landlords while ensuring that our residents can continue to live in a community that is both affordable and equitable. We encourage all rental property owners to keep rent increases at or below the VRG of 3.3 percent.” 

County law requires that a notice of rent increase must be in writing and delivered by the landlord to a tenant at least 90 days before the effective date of the rent increase.  

For questions regarding rent increases, contact the Office of Rent Stabilization in the Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) at 240-777-0311 or visit the DHCA VRG web page for more information about the guidelines, including the history of VRG increases.  

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Release ID: 25-092
Media Contact: Mark Roper 240-962-1743
Categories: Housing