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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Monday, March 3, 2025

Also on March 4: Council will vote on bill to provide reduced-rate parking permits for essential service providers in the Silver Spring, Bethesda and Wheaton parking lot districts and conduct interviews for the Nominating Committee for the Montgomery College Board of Trustees

The Montgomery County Council will meet on Tuesday, March 4 at 1 p.m., and the meeting will begin with two proclamation presentations. The first, presented by Councilmember Dawn Luedtke, will recognize Meghan Jones, honoring her life of advocacy and service. The second, presented by Council President Kate Stewart and County Executive Marc Elrich, will recognize Middle Eastern Heritage Month.

More detail on each agenda item is provided below. 

Public Hearings

Unless otherwise noted, the Council will hold the following hybrid public hearings at 1:30 p.m.  Residents can visit the Council website to learn about the multiple ways to provide testimony.

Legislative Session

Expedited Bill 7-25, Common Ownership Communities - Registration Fees

Introduction: The Council will introduce Expedited Bill 7-25, Common Ownership Communities - Registration Fees, which would alter the method for establishing registration fees associated with common ownership communities and require the publication of registration fees.

Under County Code, common ownership communities must register annually with the Commission on Common Ownership Communities. Currently, fees associated with the registration are established by Method (2) Regulations, and the bill would eliminate this requirement. Instead, fees would be established by one of two options. First, the County Executive could recommend appropriate fees, and the Council could adopt the fees by resolution. Alternatively, the Executive could raise existing fees by Method (3) Regulations.

The lead sponsor is the Council President at the request of the County Executive. A public hearing is scheduled for March 25.

Expedited Bill 8-25, Landlord-Tenant Relations – Fees

Introduction: The Council will introduce Expedited Bill 8-25, Landlord-Tenant Relations – Fees, which would alter the method for establishing annual license fees for rental dwelling units and require the publication of license fees. The Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) indicates that the legislation is needed to streamline the establishment of fees related to dwelling units and accessory dwelling units.

Currently, the Montgomery County Code establishes fees for dwelling units and accessory dwelling units, and DHCA may increase those fees via Method (3) Regulation. The Bill 8-25 would maintain the ability to establish the fees through Method (3) Regulation. Additionally, the County Executive could recommend fees to the Council, and the Council may adopt the fees by Council resolution.

The lead sponsor is the Council President at the request of the County Executive. A public hearing is scheduled for March 25.

Expedited Bill 29-24, Transportation - Parking Permit for Specialized Service Providers – Established

Vote expected: The Council is expected to vote on Expedited Bill 29-24, Transportation - Parking Permit for Specialized Service Providers – Established, which would establish a parking permit rate for specialized service providers and authorize the Montgomery County Department of Transportation to review eligibility criteria and administer certain parking permits in the Silver Spring area. The purpose of Bill 29-24 is to create a discounted parking permit for childcare providers and organizations that provide social services to the unhoused population in the Silver Spring Central Business District area.

The lead sponsor of Bill 29-24 is Council President Stewart. Councilmembers Luedtke, Sidney Katz, Kristin Mink, Laurie-Anne Sayles, Marilyn Balcombe, Gabe Albornoz, Natali Fani-González and Council Vice President Will Jawando and Councilmember Andrew Friedson are cosponsors.

The Council’s Transportation and Environment (TE) Committee recommends enactment with amendments.

Expedited Bill 22-24, Taxation - Collection of Development Impact Taxes

Vote expected: The Council is expected to take action on Expedited Bill 22-24, Taxation - Collection of Development Impact Taxes, which the Council voted unanimously to enact on Feb. 4 and the bill was subsequently vetoed by County Executive Elrich on Feb. 18. Under the County Charter, the Council may override the Executive’s disapproval if seven Councilmembers vote to re-enact the bill within 60 days after the Executive’s disapproval.

Bill 22-24 would require collection of development impact taxes at final inspection of the building. Under current County law, an applicant for a building permit need not pay any development impact tax, transportation mitigation payment or school facilities payment until six or 12 months after the building permit is issued (depending on the type of building), or the final inspection of the building by the Department of Permitting Services (DPS), whichever is earlier.

Bill 22-24 would strike the provisions about payment six or 12 months after the building permit is issued and amend the law so that payment is not required until final inspection of the building by DPS, regardless of the type of building. The purpose of the bill is to address the timing of taxes and fees in a revenue-neutral manner.

The lead sponsor of Bill 22-24 is Councilmember Evan Glass. Councilmembers Luedtke, Fani-González, Katz, Albornoz and Friedson are cosponsors.

District Council Session

Local Map Amendment (LMA) H-154; regarding the property located at 11900 Parklawn Drive, Rockville, Maryland, further identified as Lot 6 in the North Bethesda Industrial Center subdivision as recorded at Plat No. 9530

Introduction: The Council will introduce Local Map Amendment (LMA) H-154, which is a request to rezone the property located at 11900 Parklawn Dr.  in Rockville. The property is approximately 2.15 acres and contains a 48,810-square-foot, four-story office building with a surface parking lot. The applicant, Arcland Property Company, LLC, requests the property be rezoned from EOF-0.75, H-100’ (Employment Office Zone) to ILF-1.0, H-55’ (Light Industrial Floating Zone). The applicant proposes construction of a new, 104,628-square-foot, three-story self-storage building with 34,118 square feet of additional cellar space. The Hearing Examiner recommends approval of the local map amendment.

A vote is tentatively scheduled for March 11.

Consent Calendar

Each item on the Council’s Consent Calendar can be found on the Council agenda for Tuesday, March 4, which is available on the Council website.

Council representatives on the Nominating Committee for the Montgomery College Board of Trustees: Stacey Kernisan, Marguerite Raaen, and Brett C. Di Resta

Interview: The Council will interview Stacey Kernisan, Marguerite Raaen, and Brett C. Di Resta, who are applicants to serve as the Council representative on the Nominating Committee for the Montgomery College Board of Trustees. The committee reviews applications for vacancies on the Board of Trustees of Montgomery College and submits recommendations to the governor, who makes the appointment. The committee consists of two members appointed by the County Executive, one member by the Montgomery College Alumni Association and two members by the Council.

The Council meeting schedule may change from time to time. View the current Council and Committee agendas, Council staff reports and additional information on items scheduled for Council review on the Council website.

Council and committee meetings are streamed live on the Council’s web page via YouTube and on Facebook Live and can be watched on County Cable Montgomery on Xfinity/RCN 6 HD 996/1056, Fios 30, and on the CCM live stream.

Release ID: 25-068
Media Contact: Sonya Healy 240-777-7926, Benjamin Sky Brandt 240-777-7884