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Media Advisory

Montgomery County to Remain on Stay at Home Order Until COVID-19 Conditions Improve; County Executive to Hold News Conference Thursday

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Montgomery County will join other large jurisdictions in Maryland in remaining on a stay at home status until local COVID-19 data dictates it is safe to move toward reopening. That decision followed Governor Larry Hogan’s announcement today that some parts of the state could move into the first stage of recovery. County Executive Marc Elrich explained the statistics in Montgomery County have yet to show a 14-day downward trend in the number of cases. Also, the County has had nearly 400 COVID-19 related deaths. These numbers do not allow our area to move forward at this point in a way that Western Maryland or the Eastern Shore might be able to do.

County Executive Elrich said today, “Our situation is improving. We are scaling up our testing capabilities and will be able to test more people in more settings. We are also increasing contact tracing.  These efforts will help make our community safer.  But we do not meet the measures set out by federal and state guidelines.  The Governor acknowledged this reality at his press conference when he pointed out that only a few jurisdictions, ours included, are still feeling the brunt of this pandemic.  The state data shows that four jurisdictions, including Montgomery, account for almost 72% of the state's cases."

Governor Hogan’s latitude in allowing local jurisdictions to make decisions based on data specific to each county is critical to ensuring the continued safety of Montgomery County residents. Mr. Elrich stated he will continue to confer with County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles to monitor the critical metrics so that reopening in Montgomery County will be deliberate and in the best interest of the residents. “I know this is very difficult for all of us. Our businesses are eager to reopen and our residents would love to be able to resume their usual activities, and we want to get there as quickly as possible while adhering to the essential public health guidelines.”

County Executive Elrich and Dr. Gayles will hold a news conference on Thursday to discuss what criteria must be met before additional openings and other activities can be allowed in Montgomery County.  

  • When: Thursday, May 14, 12 p.m.
  • Where: Outside the Montgomery County Executive Office Building, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD

The news conference will be streamed live on the County’s Facebook page.

Put the “count” in Montgomery County! Be sure to complete the Census online, by phone, or by mail. It’s safe, confidential, easy, and important. #2020Census #EveryoneCountsMCMD

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Media Contact: Julie Parker, [email protected]

Media Contact: Julie Parker 240-777-6507