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Council Spotlight

Councilmember for a Day

Councilmember Craig Rice will host Angela Wu from Thomas S. Wootton High School in Rockville as an honorary Councilmember on Tuesday, Nov. 1. Councilmember Rice, who chairs the Council’s Education Committee, developed the “Councilmember for a Day” challenge as a way for young people to become more involved in public policy issues and to learn about local government. Ten additional high school students were selected as finalists based on the quality and creativity of their entries. Finalists were: Kimberly Nick (Northwest High School), Danielle Nwogu (Northwest High School), Tania Otero-Martinez (Seneca Valley High School), Ethan Paul (Montgomery Blair High School), Emily Pearce (Northwest High School), Matthew Pease (Richard Montgomery High School), Zeyi Qiu (Northwest High School) ,Jamal Sam (Gaithersburg High School) , Bobbi Sherman (Magruder High School), Genevieve Tan (Northwest High School) 

A video clip from the reception for the “Councilmember for a Day” finalists can be viewed at: .
Ms. Wu’s winning entry was an essay focused on diversified curriculum. Her essay can be read at .