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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, May 7, 2019

From the Office of Councilmember Andrew Friedson

ROCKVILLE, Md., May 7, 2019 — District 1 Councilmember Andrew Friedson today introduced legislation that would require the County Council to evaluate the economic impact that all proposed legislation will have on Montgomery County businesses, nonprofits, and taxpayers.

Bill 10-19, Legislative Branch – Economic Impact Statements – Amendments would strengthen the County’s current Economic Impact Statement process by:

  • Requiring economic impact statements be prepared by an economist in the independent Office of Legislative Oversight rather than the Department of Finance; and
  • Requiring economic impact statements to evaluate a bill’s positive or negative effects on:

o    taxation policy;

o    property values;

o    incomes;

o    operating costs to businesses and nonprofits operating in the County;

o    capital investment from the private sector;

o    economic development; and

o    the County’s competitiveness.

“We should be considering the full fiscal and economic impact of everything we do at the County Council — not only on the County's budget, but also on the budgets of residents and small businesses,” said Councilmember Friedson. “Supporting our local businesses has been a primary focus from the moment I took office. Including private sector impacts more comprehensively in our legislative process is an important part of that commitment.”

“In order to help our members accelerate their success, we need the support of Montgomery County government,” said Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Gigi Godwin. “We commend Councilmember Friedson and the co-sponsors of this legislation, which will ensure policies are created with the economic competitiveness of the County in mind.”

“This is a great bill that will provide a professional analysis of the economic effects of legislation before the Council acts, ensuring impacts on all stakeholders are considered,” said Greater Bethesda Chamber President & CEO Ginanne M. Italiano. “This will also help the public better understand all the intended and unintended consequences of legislation.”

Council President Nancy Navarro, Council Vice President Sidney Katz, and Councilmembers Gabe Albornoz, Evan Glass, Craig Rice, Tom Hucker, Hans Riemer and Will Jawando are co-sponsoring the legislation, which is scheduled for a public hearing on June 11 at 1:30 p.m.


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Release ID: 19-156
Media Contact: Cindy Gibson 240-777-7926