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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Friday, August 16, 2019

ROCKVILLE, Md., August 16, 2019—We are heartbroken to learn about the rape of an 11-year-old girl in Germantown and will continue to keep her in our thoughts, but most important we will ensure that the victim and her family receive the assistance and necessary support to overcome this tragic event in their lives. As the County Council, we want to reiterate our support to our county police department and our State’s Attorney’s office as they work to bring justice to the victim and give the individuals responsible the punishment they deserve for this heinous crime. Above all else, our community’s safety is of greatest importance.

On July 16 warrants were issued for both Carlos Palacios-Amaya and Mauricio Barrera-Navidad for second degree rape charges. Palacios-Amaya was arrested on July 25. Barrera-Navidad was arrested on July 26. After determining that the suspects are undocumented immigrants, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) requested that the County notify them if and when the two men are scheduled to be released from custody for any reason. The County will do so, consistent with the new Executive Order for notification of the release of individuals charged with serious crimes. Both are being held in detention at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility and are scheduled for preliminary hearings on August 23.

We trust that justice will be served and have confidence that our law enforcement and other supporting agencies will continue to enforce our laws to keep our communities safe.

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Release ID: 19-279
Media Contact: Sonya Healy 240-777-7926