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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Public hearing and vote are scheduled for March 31

The Montgomery County Council will introduce the following Special Appropriations today, Tuesday, March 24, 2020, with public hearings and action tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, March 31, 2020:

Special appropriation to County Government’s FY20 Operating Budget, Department of Health and Human Services, Support for COVID-19 Response - Feeding Our Families - $260,000 for Manna Food Center. Source of Funds: General Fund Reserves; and Amendment to Resolution 19-128, Section G, Non-Competitive Contract Award: Manna Food Center.

Special appropriation to County Government’s FY20 Operating Budget, Conference and Visitors Bureau Non-Departmental Account, Support for COVID-19 Response - $250,000 for Hotel or Motel Rooms for Medical and Front-Line Staff. Source of Funds: General Fund Reserves; and Amendment to Resolution 19-128, Section G, Non-Competitive Contract Award: Conference and Visitor’s Bureau of Montgomery County, Maryland, Inc.

Special appropriation to the County Government’s FY20 Operating Budget, Department of Finance, Economic Development Fund - $20,000,000 for Public Health Emergency Grant Program. Source of Funds: General Fund Reserves.

Special appropriation to the County Government’s FY20 Operating Budget, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) or non-departmental account administered by DHHS - $5,000,000 for Support for COVID-19 Response. Source of Funds: General Fund Reserves.

Introduction, and public hearings and action of the special appropriations will take place in the Third Floor Hearing Room of the Council Office Building, which is located at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville. The meetings will be televised live by County Cable Montgomery (CCM) on Xfinity channels 6 and 996, RCN channels 6 and 1056; and FiOS channel 30. Also available live via streaming through the Council website at

Documents available at or by calling 240-777-7910.

NOTE: During the state of emergency related to COVID-19, the public will not be physically present in the Council Hearing Room. The public can participate in the process by providing their comments either through email at [email protected], U.S. mail, or placing correspondence in the drop-off box located in front of the doors of the Council Office Building next to the fish pond entrance (parking garage side of building). Call 240-777-7803 for additional information.

Release ID: 20-109
Media Contact: Anne Brown 240-777-7925, Sonya Healy 240-777-7926