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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Rockville, Md., Aug. 12, 2020--Council President Sidney Katz made the following statement on behalf of the Montgomery County Council about the resignation of Chief Administrative Officer Andrew Kleine.

Chief Administrative Officer Andrew Kleine's decision to resign is the right thing to do, given the ethics violations found by the Montgomery County Ethics Commission. This change in leadership is an essential step to restoring confidence among county government employees and residents. Our system of representative government depends on the people maintaining the highest trust in their elected officials and government employees.

In Montgomery County, the chief administrative officer is the highest-ranking appointed government employee and serves at the pleasure of the county executive. Councilmembers have been informed that Mr. Kleine will facilitate a seamless transition to Rich Madaleno, who will become the county's acting chief administrative officer on August 16. Mr. Madaleno's experience as the director of the Office of Management and Budget, a former state delegate and senator in the Maryland General Assembly and an intergovernmental affairs specialist will serve Montgomery County well, as he takes on this new role. This change in leadership will not impact any government services for residents.

The Council reiterates its ongoing support for the work of the Montgomery County Ethics Commission and the Office of the Inspector General as they continue to promote the public's trust of county government and ensure that county employees follow ethical standards in the execution of their duties regardless of their positions. Our residents expect and deserve nothing less.

The Council thanks Mr. Kleine for his public service and looks forward to continuing to work with Mr. Madaleno in his new position. The Council will review County Executive Elrich's nomination for the chief administrative officer appointment in September.


Release ID: 20-349
Media Contact: Sonya Healy 240-777-7926, Juan Jovel 240-777-7931