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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Thursday, January 21, 2021

2020 had 18 pedestrian and cyclist deaths and 501 non-fatal incidents

ROCKVILLE, Md., Jan. 21, 2021—Join Councilmember Evan Glass this Saturday, Jan. 23 at 10 a.m. for a virtual Vision Zero conference to discuss the county’s efforts to make our streets and roads safer for all users.

Keynote remarks will be provided by U.S. Congressman Anthony Brown, member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Montgomery County Councilmembers and other elected officials will be in attendance.

“More individuals were killed on our roads in 2020 than in the previous year. We must make our streets safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers—everyone,” said Councilmember Evan Glass, a member of the Council’s Transportation & Environment Committee. “Improving our roadway infrastructure is also a matter of social justice, given that a majority of the pedestrian fatalities occur within communities of color.”

The conference will include two breakout rooms for additional engagement:

  • Safe Routes to School: this conversation will focus on the experiences from students and families who walk around their neighborhoods and what we can do to keep young people safe.
  • Designing Safe Streets: this conversation will help rethink our street design, how to report an unsafe infrastructure (crosswalks, broken lights, etc.) and understand the engineering possibilities needed for creating safe streets.

Residents interested in attending this conference can RSVP using this registration link:


Release ID: 21-020
Media Contact: Valeria Carranza 240-777-7966
Categories: Evan Glass