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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 10, 2021

ROCKVILLE, Md., Mar. 10, 2021—On Friday, Mar. 12 at 1:00 p.m. (please note the new time for this week) Montgomery County Councilmember Sidney Katz will host the eighteenth installment in his ongoing series of virtual business briefings for County residents on the online video communications platform Zoom. Councilmember Katz started holding these business and economic development briefings while serving as Council president during the COVID-19 pandemic, to help businesses, nonprofits and residents navigate the pandemic and economic recovery.

Councilmember Katz will be joined on Friday, March 12 by George Koutsos, operations manager for Blue Ridge Restaurant Group, and Chris McCasland and Michael Opalski, co-founders of City Bonfires. The guests will discuss their respective experiences working within the business community of the County. Mr. Koutsos will provide his perspective as an operations manager of restaurants in the Rockville and Silver Spring areas, while Mr. McCasland and Mr. Opalski will discuss the entrepreneurial business idea and model they developed during the pandemic.

“Our guests this week are all business leaders in our community, but they have unique stories to share,” said Councilmember Katz. “I always learn something from these discussions, and I’m sure this week’s meeting will provide residents, business owners, and aspiring leaders with much food for thought.”

Residents can submit their questions for Councilmember Katz and the other participants by e-mailing [email protected], and will also have the opportunity to submit questions in the Zoom chat during the question and answer portion of the briefing. Those wishing to participate in the briefing can register ahead of time by emailing [email protected]. The Zoom call information will be sent by e-mail to participants when they register.

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Release ID: 21-090
Media Contact: Lisa Mandel-Trupp 240-777-7812
Categories: Sidney Katz