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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Rockville, Md., May 25, 2021—The Montgomery County Council issued the following statement condemning the rise in anti-Semitism and acts of hatred against the Jewish community:

"The wave of anti-Semitic violence against residents, businesses and synagogues across the nation has left many members of our community shaken and others have been the victims of harassment and hate crimes. Today we use our collective voice to condemn all acts of hate and ethnic or religious bigotry aimed at our Jewish residents.

"All Montgomery County residents, including members of our Jewish community, have the right to practice their religion and live their lives free from fear. Any form of anti-Semitism, religious persecution or intolerance is abhorrent and diametrically opposed to the values of Montgomery County.

"The Council is steadfast in our commitment to maintain a safe and inclusive community for all residents, and we encourage our residents to speak out against hate. Any resident who is the victim of a hate crime or bias incident or who witnesses one should contact the police immediately.

"We pledge to continue working with our religious leaders, advocacy organizations, residents and members of our public safety community to ensure that Montgomery County remains an inclusive and welcoming place to worship, work and raise a family. Uniting as a community against hate is the only way to stop it."



Release ID: 21-230
Media Contact: Sonya Healy 240-777-7926, Juan Jovel 240-777-7931