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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Friday, July 23, 2021

Rockville, Md., July 23, 2021—At the July 14 meeting of the Montgomery County Commission on Redistricting, the group reviewed and discussed different redistricting mapping tools. As part of these deliberations, examples of maps were displayed and shared with Commission members to illustrate different approaches to using these tools.

Mariana Cordier, chair of the Commission on Redistricting, made the following statement on the ongoing work of the group and the maps used as examples at the last meeting.

"At the sixth meeting of Montgomery County's Commission on Redistricting, deliberations were held on the mapping tool the group will be utilizing to establish the boundaries of the Council districts. At this meeting, it was made clear that the maps displayed were only draft examples without 2020 census information; however, misinformation is circulating that these maps represent actual proposals by the Commission. This is absolutely not true.

"The Commission has not drawn any maps and is only testing software. Moreover, the 2020 census information has not been delivered, so we cannot create maps at this point in time. The Commission will continue its deliberations and will provide maps for public review and comment as soon as we are able to do so."


The members of Montgomery County's Commission on Redistricting include Imad Aldean Ahmad, Laura Ard, Mariana Cordier, Keshia Desir, Arthur Edmunds, Valerie Ervin, Bruce Goldensohn, Jason Makstein, Nilmini Rubin, Samuel Statland and David Stein.

Release ID: 21-307
Media Contact: Mariana Cordier