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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Elected officials, community and faith leaders came together on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day to commemorate the two-year mark since the incident and call for justice for the Grant family 


Rockville, MD–Montgomery County Councilmember Tom Hucker held a virtual Rally for Justice in support of the Grant family’s two-year struggle for accountability and justice on Monday. Councilmember Hucker was joined by Council Vice President Evan Glass, U.S. Representative Anthony G. Brown, U.S. Representative Jamie Raskin, Delegate Lorig Charkoudian and community and faith leaders to call on County leadership to settle the lawsuit with the Grant family. 

“Anyone who watched two of our officers threaten, handcuff and verbally abuse that kindergartener knows that the County harmed that child, and then hid it from the public. Rather than wasting tax dollars on outside law firms, the County should just do the right thing and settle the case to let this family reach some closure,” said Councilmember Hucker. 

“We need to fight against injustice wherever we see it - around the country and in our own communities,” Rep. Brown said at the rally. “That means creating a safe, equitable and caring environment for every child and ensuring our law enforcement officers are accountable to those they serve. The Grant family is an unfortunate example of the disparate treatment Black children experience in our education system and justice system. We must do more to make sure every child and every family feels safe here in Maryland.” 

“On this day we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who once said, ‘The time is always right to do the right thing.’ The County needs to do the right thing for the Grant family and for all of our residents,” said Council Vice President Glass. 

“My deepest apologies to the Grant family on behalf of the Government and the institutions that absolutely failed your family,” said Del. Charkoudian. “I call on the County to take responsibility to settle this case and take the steps necessary to engage in a restorative justice process.” 

The other speakers were:  

  • Lima Abdullah, East Silver Spring PTA President 
  • Reverend Calvin Baltimore, People’s Community Baptist Church 
  • Pastor Courtenay Miller, Norbeck Community Church 
  • Laura Stewart, 1st Vice President of MCCPTA 
  • Ron Wright, Esq. 

The ongoing litigation has placed undue mental, emotional and financial strains on the victim and his family. Speakers called on County leaders to resolve the case and provide resources and compensation to adequately support the family. 

You can watch the virtual rally here

For more information, contact:  

Genevieve Kurtz, communications director, at [email protected] or (240) 777-7937. 

Julio Murillo, chief of staff, at [email protected] or (240) 777-7960. 

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Release ID: 22-019
Media Contact: Genevieve Kurtz 240-777-7937, Julio Murillo 240-777-7960
Categories: Tom Hucker