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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Monday, February 14, 2022

Rockville, Md., Feb. 14, 2022—Tomorrow, Councilmember Sidney Katz and Council Vice President Evan Glass will introduce Bill 4-22, which would establish the requirement for a single-user restroom located in certain places of public accommodation or County-owned buildings to identify or display a sign that refers to an all-gender restroom. Councilmembers Will Jawando and Andrew Friedson are co-sponsors.  

Bill 4-22 aims to increase accessibility for anyone to use a single-user restroom, regardless of gender, gender identity, or expression. Currently, an owner of a business or County-owned building can restrict a single-occupant restroom to one specific gender – male or female.  

This bill would benefit people with disabilities who have caregivers of a different gender, or parents with children of different genders, who may require assistance using a public restroom. It would also help to decrease barriers, encourage full community inclusion, and strengthen dignity and personal safety. 

“This bill is supported by many advocacy groups including those representing the disability community and the LGBTQ community,” said Councilmember Katz, chair of the Public Safety Committee. “It is well reasoned and will not be burdensome to implement and will help everyone feel more comfortable.” 

“We want everyone in Montgomery County to feel welcome here,” said Council Vice President Glass, Montgomery County’s first LGBTQ+ Councilmember. “Members of our trans, nonbinary and disability communities often feel anxious and ignored by the choices of restrooms in commercial spaces. This legislation will help provide ease and comfort to them and everyone.” 

Other jurisdictions in Maryland and across the nation have successfully implemented similar legislation, including in Baltimore City and Howard County in Maryland; the city of Seattle in Washington; the state of California; Austin City in Texas; and the city of Philadelphia in Pennsylvania. 

A public hearing for this bill is tentatively scheduled for March 8, 2022 at 1:30 p.m. 

The Council staff report on the bill can be viewed here

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Release ID: 22-069
Media Contact: Laurie Edberg 240-777-7845, Valeria Carranza 240-257-6198
Categories: Evan Glass, Sidney Katz