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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, April 11, 2023

From the Offices of Councilmembers Sayles, Stewart, Mink and President Glass

The Montgomery County Council unanimously passed a resolution in support of the transgender community. The resolution, led by Councilmembers Sayles, Stewart, Mink, and President Glass, and co-sponsored by Councilmembers Albornoz, Balcombe, Fani-González, Jawando, Katz, Luedtke and Vice President Friedson, affirms Montgomery County as a place that is inclusive of the transgender, nonbinary, gender non-conforming, and wider LGBTQIA+ community, and to condemn all anti-LGBTQIA+ acts.

Recently, hate groups nationwide have targeted transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming people as well as events and organizations centering on or supporting those communities. In Montgomery County, hate groups have attempted to disrupt Drag Story Hour at Brookside Gardens, Loyalty Bookstores and more. In February, Bells Mill Elementary School shifted an in-person PTA meeting to virtual after receiving threats following a social media post about a teacher reading a book about a transgender child.

“Attacks against transgender individuals not only threaten the transgender community, but the LGTBQIA+ community as a whole,” said Councilmember Laurie-Anne Sayles. “This resolution reaffirms that Montgomery County will always have the backs of the entire LGBTQIA+ community, including individuals that identify as transgender, nonbinary, and gender non-conforming.”

“With this resolution you have our word. In Montgomery County, you will be seeing more policy, legislation, curriculum and more that includes and embraces the transgender, nonbinary and wider LGBTQIA+ community. The hate we’ve seen has spurred us to move with more urgency and determination to further codify and uplift the values our county has long held dear. And to our trans and nonbinary neighbors: we see you and stand with you, and we’re glad you’re here,” said Councilmember Kristin Mink.

“Today we affirm transgender and nonbinary individuals and support your right to live your life authentically," said Councilmember Kate Stewart. "The recent attacks and legislation offered across the country to discriminate against the trans community are incredibly harmful, and I condemn these actions in the strongest terms. The leadership in Montgomery County supports our LGBTQIA+ residents, and will continue to fight for an inclusive community.”

"As the county’s first and only openly LGBTQ+ Councilmember, it is heartbreaking to see attacks on the transgender and gender nonconforming community across the country, including here in Montgomery County,” said Council President Evan Glass. “We are a compassionate community, where we welcome everyone to call Montgomery County home, regardless of the language you speak, the color of your skin, where you pray, who you love or how you identify. Hate has no place in Montgomery County.”

On March 30, the Maryland General Assembly passed the Trans Health Equity Act, which would enable Marylanders without private insurance to obtain comparable gender-affirming care. The bill has made its way to the desk of Governor Wes Moore, who has pledged to sign it into law. Furthermore, on March 31, Governor Moore became the first governor in Maryland history to commemorate International Transgender Day of Visibility.

Montgomery County affirms its commitment to work proactively to make our county one that is fully inclusive of the transgender, nonbinary, gender non-conforming, and wider LGBTQIA+ community.

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Release ID: 23-126
Media Contact: Office of Councilmember Laurie-Anne Sayles 240-777-7964, Office of Councilmember Kate Stewart 240-777-7968
Categories: Evan Glass, Kate Stewart, Kristin Mink, Laurie-Anne Sayles