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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Monday, March 4, 2024

From the Office of Councilmember Evan Glass

The event will feature the Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and include local resources and free naloxone

Montgomery County Councilmember Evan Glass will host a forum titled “Combating Overdose Deaths: Finding Hope and Help” on Saturday, March 9 at 10 a.m. The event will focus on federal and local government resources to address the opioid epidemic and information for those struggling with addiction.

The one-hour discussion will feature a keynote from Dr. Nora Volkow, Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), followed by a panel of public health experts, local service providers and community members with lived experience. Free naloxone and training on how to administer it will also be available, courtesy of the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services.

“Anyone who has struggled or seen a loved one struggle with addiction understands the devastating impacts of the opioid epidemic,” said Councilmember Glass. “With overdose deaths on the rise, we must be proactive in getting people the help they need and sharing information about resources. This forum is to let our residents know that every level of government is working together to address this crisis.”

“Local partnerships with the federal government are critical to ensuring that the money spent on national programs improves the lives of individual people and communities,” said Dr. Kisha Davis, Montgomery County Health Officer and featured event panelist. “I appreciate Councilmember Glass hosting this event, and I look forward to hearing how we can continue to improve the lives of people in Montgomery County.”

The event will be held Saturday, March 9 at 10 a.m. at the Montgomery County Council Office Building, located at 100 Maryland Ave, Rockville, MD 20850. Individuals wishing to attend can RSVP at

The full list of panelists includes:

  • Dr. Nora Volkow: Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse at NIH
  • Dr. Kisha Davis: Montgomery County Health Officer
  • LaTonia Rich: Executive Director, Tree of Hope Association
  • Avital Graves: Manager of the Mobile Integrated Health Program, Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service
  • Melissa Cafarelli: Substance Abuse Counselor with Lived Experience
  • A Clarksburg High School student: Member of Maryland Students Against Drugs

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, you can call the 24-hour Montgomery County Crisis Center at 240-777-4000 for immediate help or call the ACCESS Team at 240-777-1770 for assistance finding a treatment program.

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Release ID: 24-085
Media Contact: Valeria Carranza 240-257-6198
Categories: Evan Glass