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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Council’s Sports Tourism Task Force will explore ways to promote sports tourism and increase capacity and access to sports facilities in Montgomery County

ROCKVILLE, Md., Sept. 5, 2024Montgomery County has great demand for its world-class sports facilities from residents and outside groups alike, generating significant economic, community development and health benefits. The County is seeking to identify opportunities to enhance the number of youth, amateur, and semi-professional sports tournaments and build upon the economic impact of these activities.

To support these efforts, the Council created the Montgomery County Sports Tourism Task Force, which will explore ways to promote sports tourism and increase capacity and access to sports facilities for County residents. The Council approved a resolution to the create the task force on June 18, 2024. The Council’s joint Economic Development (ECON) and Education and Culture (EC) Committee spearheaded this effort.

The task force will hold its first meeting on Sept. 11, 2024 at 11:30 a.m. at the Council Office Building located at 100 Maryland Ave. in Rockville. The task force will continue to meet on the second Wednesday of every month for 12 consecutive months. The task force will provide interim reports on its progress at joint ECON and EC Committee meetings and provide a final report with recommendations to the Council.

The Sports Tourism Task Force is focused on four specific tasks:

  • Conducting a facility needs assessment, including assessing the viability of a multi-use facility that can increase sports capacity in the County and potentially serve as a facility for events like high school or Montgomery College graduations;
  • Identifying workforce development needs related to the sports tourism industry;
  • Assessing ways to improve marketing to outside groups and enhance the coordination of outside groups with sports facilities, equipment vendors, hotels, local businesses, and through supporting promotion of events; and
  • Exploring the potential economic and community impacts of attracting and recruiting a professional sports franchise to Montgomery County.

Current members of the Sports Tourism Task Force include Keith Miller, executive director of the Montgomery County Revenue Authority (chair); Terry Hasseltine, executive director of the Maryland Sports Commission; Matt Libber, executive director of the Maryland SoccerPlex; Kelly Groff, president and chief executive officer of Visit Montgomery; Darren Flusche, deputy director of the Montgomery County Parks Department; Tom Cove, chair of the Montgomery County Sports Advisory Committee; Dr. Jeffrey Sullivan, director of systemwide athletics at Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS); and Robin Riley, director of the Montgomery County Department of Recreation. Ex-officio members of the Sports Tourism Task Force include Bilal Ali, legislative analyst, Montgomery County Council and Susan Madden, chief government relations officer, Office of the President, Montgomery College.

For additional information visit the Council’s Sports Tourism Task Force web page.

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Release ID: 24-306
Media Contact: Bilal Ali