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Press Releases - County Council

For Immediate Release: Friday, November 22, 2024

From the Office of Council President Andrew Friedson

Today Montgomery County Council President Andrew Friedson provided remarks at the Committee for Montgomery's Legislative Breakfast. This event brings together leaders from across Maryland and is considered the unofficial kickoff of the 2025 Legislative Session.

Council President Friedson’s complete remarks can be read below.

Good morning. I’m Montgomery Council President Andrew Friedson. 

Thank you for inviting me to join you this morning.  

Especially at a moment like this, when there is so much anxiety in our community and so much division in our country, there is nothing better than the unifying power of a thousand local luminaries collectively harnessing the ability to create lasting, positive change. 

This annual breakfast represents the best of our County, community, and country – what we can accomplish when we bring nonprofit, business, labor, faith, education and civic leaders together.  

My Council colleagues here with us today – Vice President Kate Stewart and Councilmembers Gabe Albornoz, Marilyn Balcombe, Natali Fani-González, Evan Glass, Sidney Katz, Will Jawando, Dawn Luedtke, Kristin Mink and Laurie-Anne Sayles – are truly honored to partner with you in serving Montgomery County. 

There is no doubt that we are facing a true test of our values and resiliency.  

And while there will be difficult days ahead, I also believe with challenge will come an opportunity to prove our mettle in Montgomery County.  

As we double down on our values, we must demonstrate our value as a County government to deliver quality services for the residents who rely on us every day. 

If folks are going to trust us to do big things in government, we have to prove we can get the small things done right – and that begins at the local level. 

It starts with the basics: the fundamentals of good government that support a good quality of life.  

During my time as Council President, I’m proud of the progress we’ve made addressing the climate and housing crises, protecting the most vulnerable, bolstering the economy, and increasing funding to keep our communities safe, all while holding the line on taxes.


As we approved the County’s $7.1 billion budget, the Council funded our public schools at a record $3.3 billion. For the first time ever, we also included transparency and accountability metrics and increased MCPS oversight because our students, educators, families and taxpayers deserve nothing less.

Public Safety: 

Because there is no greater responsibility than keeping our community safe, we leveraged new technology to address severe police shortages including expanding the Drone as First Responder program to Bethesda and the UpCounty.

And we provided additional resources for houses of worship and nonprofits so all residents can freely and securely live, learn and worship.

Affordable Housing: 

This year, the Council made strides in promoting more housing for more people by funding unprecedented investments in our Housing Initiative Fund, establishing an innovative new $50 million Nonprofit Preservation Fund, and facilitating affordable, inclusive housing opportunities with our faith partners.

Looking ahead, as we prepare for a new administration to enter the White House, we will hold true to our shared principles of compassion and inclusion and ensure Montgomery County remains a safe and welcoming place for all. 

We will denounce hate in all its forms and stand firmly against any attempt to undermine our fundamental freedoms.

While we can’t control what happens in Washington, we can and will continue to ensure Montgomery County residents have access to essential supports and services when they’re needed more than ever.

In that spirit, working together with Vice President Stewart, County Executive Marc Elrich, and our Council colleagues, I’m excited to announce a United in Service & Support Community Resource Fair on Sunday, Dec. 8 from 1-4 p.m. at the Executive Office Building in Rockville.

We invite you to join us and to help spread the word.

Economic Development: 

None of these supports or services would be possible without a strong enough economy to pay for them. That’s why we must be intentional about growing our private sector economy and reducing our reliance on the federal government.

We took a giant step forward with unanimous approval of my $20 million new J.O.B.S. Initiative, the largest economic development package of its kind in County history.

With a laser focus on creating high-paying jobs, promoting innovation, and supporting underrepresented entrepreneurs and under-resourced communities, we’re sending a strong signal that if you’re willing to invest in Montgomery County, Montgomery County wants to invest in you. 

Governor Moore has declared this as Maryland’s decade, and we in this room know that Maryland cannot reach its full potential unless its economic engine here in Montgomery County is firing on all cylinders.  

Despite these momentary setbacks, I’m more optimistic than ever that our long-term possibilities far outweigh these near-term problems.  

With leadership and partnership, we can capitalize on our unrivaled strategic assets and be even stronger than the sum of our parts. I know that in my heart because I know what’s in yours. 

Thank you for being a shining light in these dark times and for showing us the path forward. Our community needs you more than ever and our country needs Montgomery County more than ever. Thank you for the opportunity to be with you this morning and for the privilege to serve alongside you every day.

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Release ID: 24-412
Media Contact: Cindy Gibson 240-620-8571
Categories: Andrew Friedson