For Immediate Release: Monday, February 13, 2017
During Presidents’ Day weekend, shoppers across Maryland will get a break from the state’s six percent sales tax on qualifying ENERGY STAR products. Shop Maryland Energy (February 18-20) is a statewide sales tax holiday that highlights the importance of energy efficient appliances to the environment and residents’ pocketbooks.
“Shop Maryland Energy is a wonderful opportunity for residents to replace or upgrade appliances,” said Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett. “This tax-free weekend is not only about saving money but it is also about doing good for the environment.”
Eligible ENERGY STAR appliances and lighting include: air conditioners, clothes washers, clothes dryers, furnaces, heat pumps, standard-size refrigerators, LED light bulbs, dehumidifiers, boilers and programmable thermostats. For a full list of exempt items visit, Shop Energy Maryland. Residents using the weekend to upgrade appliances may have the advantage of additional rebates to recycle old appliances, such as old working refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners or dehumidifiers. Prior to purchasing new appliances, residents can contact their electric utility to see if they are eligible for rebate and pick up of the old appliance. Each appliance may be eligible for up to $50 in rebates.
During Maryland Energy Tax Free Weekend, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection staff will have informational tables at three County appliance stores to provide residents with energy saving tips and information on local programs and rebates available through utility suppliers, including BGE, Pepco and Potomac Edison:
Eligible appliances that have been designated as meeting or exceeding the applicable Energy Star efficiency requirements developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the United States Department of Energy and are authorized to carry the ENERGY STAR label are exempt during the Shop Maryland Energy weekend. In addition, the exemption applies to the sale of any solar water heater.
Unfortunately, other types of appliances and equipment do not qualify for exemption even though they may also carry the ENERGY STAR label so residents need to be aware of this when shopping.
For more information, go to Maryland Energy Tax Free Weekend.
Release ID: 17-439