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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Montgomery County Councilmember
Sidney Katz’s Statement on Unanimously
Adopted Minimum Wage Increase Bill

ROCKVILLE, Md., Nov. 7, 2017—Today the Montgomery County Council unanimously passed Bill 28-17, Human Rights and Civil Liberties – County Minimum Wage – Amount – Annual Adjustment, which would raise the minimum wage in the County to $15 an hour.

Councilmember Katz’s full statement on today’s vote is below:

My priority has always been, and remains, enacting a minimum wage bill that benefits the most and burdens the least. Bill-28-17, as amended, moves us towards that goal.

I have heard from business owners – both small and not so small. I heard from adult day care providers. I heard from restaurant owners and landscaping companies. They have real fears about their ability to keep their doors open. And if businesses are forced to close, we end up hurting the very people we set out to help.

I heard the voices of the advocates. Individuals struggling to make ends meet by working not one, but two and sometimes three, minimum wage jobs. People new to the job market trying to get their foot in the door and build their own ladder to success. Organizations with missions rooted in social justice speaking on behalf of County residents without a voice.

This legislation strikes a balance; where wages move toward livability while not exceeding what businesses can absorb. I am proud to be a part of a body that was able to collaborate effectively and come to a resolution that will benefit our community.

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Release ID: 17-352
Media Contact: Sonya Healy 2407777926, Delphine Harriston 2407777931