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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The following Committee meetings are scheduled for the week of June 11. Individuals interested in attending a Committee meeting should confirm the information on the day of the meeting by visiting the Council’s web page at or by calling the Council’s Legislative Information Office at 240-777-7931. All meetings are held in the Council Office Building (100 Maryland Ave., Rockville, Md), unless otherwise noted.

Meeting: Planning, Housing and Economic Development (PHED) Committee
Date/Time: Monday, June 11 at 1:30 p.m.
Location: Seventh floor hearing room
PHED Committee: Councilmembers Nancy Floreen (chair), George Leventhal and Council President Hans Riemer

  • Bill 15-18, Economic Development - Workforce Development- Green Jobs Apprenticeship Program
    The PHED Committee will begin their review of Bill 15-18, Economic Development - Workforce Development- Green Jobs Apprenticeship Program. Councilmember Tom Hucker is the lead sponsor. Councilmembers George Leventhal, Marc Elrich, Craig Rice, Council Vice President Nancy Navarro and Councilmembers Sidney Katz and Roger Berliner are the cosponsors. The bill would require the County's Workforce Development Corporation to administer a clean energy industry pre-apprenticeship job training program and establish certain criteria for the operation of the pre-apprenticeship job training program.

The staff report can be viewed here.

  • Bill 34-17, Housing - Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDU) Amendments
    The PHED Committee also will continue to review Bill 34-17, Housing -Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDU) Amendments. Councilmember Nancy Floreen is the lead sponsor and Councilmember Craig Rice is the cosponsor. Bill 34-17 would clarify certain provisions of law related to moderately priced dwelling units (MPDUs); amend certain provisions of law related to the satisfaction of MPDU requirements; and amend certain provisions of law related to the sale and rental of MPDUs.  Key components of Bill 34-17 include:  
  • clarifying of existing provisions of the law and requiring developments of less than 20 homes to make a payment to the Housing Initiative Fund;  
  • broadening the authority of the director of the Department of Housing and Community Affairs to accept payments into the Housing Initiative Fund in lieu of including MPDUs in a development, when it serves the goal of increasing the availability of affordable housing; and  
  • increasing the flexibility of the director in determining MPDU obligations to better meet the demands for affordable units.

The staff report can be viewed here.

Meeting: Government Operations and Fiscal Policy (GO) Committee
Date/Time: Thursday, June 14 at 9:30 a.m.
Location: Third floor conference room
GO Committee: Council Vice President Nancy Navarro (chair), Councilmember Sidney Katz and
Council President Hans Riemer

  • Resolution to approve the Tax Supported Fiscal Plan Summary for FY19-24 Public Services Program
    The GO Committee will review a resolution to approve the Tax Supported Fiscal Plan Summary for FY19-24 Public Services Program. Each June the Council approves a balanced six-year Fiscal Plan that is based on the actions taken in the budgets that the Council approved in May, and on existing economic conditions and fiscal policies. The Fiscal Plan is then updated every year in December, three months before the release of the Executive’s next recommended budget. 

The staff report will be available here on Wednesday, June 13.

  • Expedited Bill 17-18, Property Tax Credit-Elderly Individuals and Retired Military Services Members - Application
    The GO Committee also will review Expedited Bill 17-18, Property Tax Credit-Elderly Individuals and Retired Military Services Members – Application. Councilmember George Leventhal is the lead sponsor. Councilmembers Craig Rice, Sidney Katz, Nancy Floreen, Council Vice President Nancy Navarro and Councilmember Tom Hucker are cosponsors. The bill would streamline the property tax credit application process for elderly individuals and retired military service members by allowing them to apply for the credit the first year and would automatically receive the credit for four additional years if the individual remains eligible for the credit. Currently, individuals are required to apply for the credit every year.

The staff report will be available here on Wednesday, June 13.


Release ID: 18-173
Media Contact: Sonya Healy 2407777926, Juan Jovel 2407777931