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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Consumers who consigned children’s clothing and other items at the Wiggle Room, 4924 Del Ray Avenue, Bethesda, may be able to reclaim their items even though the store has closed, and the owners evicted from the site.


Montgomery County’s Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) has made arrangements with the landlord to allow consumers to pick-up their items. OCP staff will be at the former Wiggle Room store on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 12 to 14th from 10am to 3 p.m. to allow consumers to retrieve their items. Customers are asked to bring identification. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity if possible. Updated information will be provided on Facebook:

or Twitter:


OCP and the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office established an award winning “Business Eviction Response Team (BERT)” to help protect consumers from losing their possessions from certain stores when a court orders an eviction.  


“Our dedicated staff go the extra mile in an effort to help consumers,” said OCP Director Eric Friedman. “We greatly appreciate the cooperation of the landlord and former owner in helping our staff find creative solutions to fulfill our mission of ensuring integrity in our marketplace.”


For more information and advice, call 240-777-3636 or visit OCP’s website at


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Release ID: 18-606
Media Contact: Brian Roberts 240-777-6507