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Press Releases

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Montgomery County’s Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) will host Maryland Financial Regulation Commissioner Antonio Salazar’s listening tour at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 11.

As commissioner of financial regulation at the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR), Salazar is responsible for the supervision of state-chartered banks, credit unions, and trust companies as well as licensed financial services providers in the state of Maryland.

This listening tour is a special opportunity for consumer advocates and nonprofit organizations to share their concerns regarding issues impacting Maryland consumers related to:

  • Mortgage lenders and servicers;
  • Collection agencies;
  • Debt settlement firms;
  • Money transmitters;
  • Credit reporting agencies;
  • Check cashing; and
  • Installment loan lenders.

“Meeting first-hand with consumer representatives in local communities enables our office to better understand the needs of consumers,” said Commissioner Salazar. “We look forward to providing information and assistance that best serves the needs of those living in Maryland.”

This listening tour will be held at OCP’s temporary location at 1451 Seven Locks Road in Rockville. Approximately a dozen local consumer advocate and nonprofit organizations have been invited. Representatives of other groups wishing to attend may contact Meredith Mishaga, director of financial education and community outreach, at [email protected] or 410-230-6099.

“OCP appreciates Commissioner Salazar taking the initiative to schedule this event and we look forward to networking and collaborating with all the participating organizations,” said OCP Director Eric Friedman. “Knowledge and enforcement of financial regulations is critically important to avoid and resolve consumer transaction disputes.”

For more information, visit the OCP’s website or email [email protected].

The Office of Consumer Protection (OCP) investigates thousands of complaints each year involving new home purchases, home improvements, credit issues, automotive sales and repairs, retail sales, Internet services and most other consumer transactions. OCP provides pre-purchase information to consumers and speakers to the community on consumer issues.

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Release ID: 19-008
Media Contact: Sonya Burke 240-777-6531