For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich is focused on his vision for a more equitable and inclusive Montgomery County as he marks his first 100 days in office this week.
“My first 100 days as county executive have flown by,” said Elrich. “We have worked to assemble our new administration’s team; met with residents and businesses leaders around the County to discuss their priorities; worked with the County Council; and traveled to Annapolis to meet with State lawmakers during the legislative session; all while preparing an operating budget that reflects our seven priority areas: Thriving Youth and Families; A Growing Economy; A Greener County; Easier Commutes; A More Affordable and Welcoming County; Safe Neighborhoods and Effective and Sustainable Government.”
On this 100th day in office, Elrich will join with Council President Nancy Navarro and other County leaders to launch the community conversations around racial equity and social justice. He will also travel to Annapolis to testify before the House Ways and Means Committee in support of increased funding for schools.
Some of the accomplishments of the first 100 days of the Elrich Administration include:
- Unveiling an Early Care and Education Initiative with a goal to add 600 new child care seats in its first year.
- Within weeks of taking office, launching a housing code enforcement campaign to protect tenant rights and address troubled properties, including a 100 percent inspection of The Enclave Rigorous inspections of rental units are critical to safe, affordable housing as is ensuring the violations are fixed in a timely manner. Check out the new, interactive housing code website about inspections, tenant rights and the Troubled Property List.
- Releasing a recommended FY20 Capital Budget and Amendments to the FY19-24 Capital Improvements Program (CIP). The budget recommends $1.775 billion in Montgomery County Public Schools funding to build 625 new classrooms in 26 new additions, three new schools, and one reopened school – despite funding challenges. The total Amended FY19-24 CIP is $4.3 billion.
- Hiring new department directors for the departments of Environmental Protection, Recreation, and the Offices of Community Partnerships, Management and Budget, and Procurement.
- Hiring a new Chief Administrative Officer and three new Assistant Chief Administrative Officers.
- Scheduling eight Listening Sessions and five Budget Forums to ensure the needs of the people who live, work, and play in the County are heard and met.
- Unveiling “Balancing Act” - a new, online tool designed to increase public engagement during the budget process.
- Launching a new Department of Permitting Services website, that provides clear, easy, and quick access to information and online services. The new design provides quicker access for a range of services from applying for permits to tracking construction activities.
- Making numerous trips to Annapolis to push legislative initiatives on subjects such as improving our school funding and protecting the environment.
- Participating in land use and zoning discussions at the County Council, including the Veirs Mill Corridor Plan and ZTA 19-01.
- Touring various businesses in the County with the president of the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation, learning more about what is and isn’t working for them.
According to Elrich, the next 100 days will include, among other initiatives, closely working with the environmental community to ensure that the County is taking all possible steps to address climate change; launching a new business hub in the Upcounty Regional Services Center to assist new and existing businesses and reinvigorating the County’s direct involvement in economic development by reexamining regulations to make sure they are efficient, fair and sensible.
“I believe the best policies are both data-driven and compassionate, and that County Government must be transparent and accountable to residents,” said Elrich.
For more information about Elrich’s vision, visit the Montgomery County website.
Follow the County Government on Facebook and Twitter, and use #Elrich100days.
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Release ID: 19-082
Media Contact: Ohene Gyapong 240-777-6537