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Press Releases - Department of Transportation

For Immediate Release: Friday, March 15, 2019

In unveiling his Recommended Fiscal Year 2020 Operating Budget this morning, County Executive Marc Elrich signaled strong support for key transportation initiatives that will deliver easier—and greener—commutes for many Montgomery County residents.

Among them:  continued implementation of the new limited-stop FLASH service on US 29 between the Burtonsville Park-and-Ride Lot and the Silver Spring Transit Center, which is scheduled to open in May 2020. The line will include 18 state-of-the art stations and a fleet of sixteen 60-foot articulated buses, improving mobility and transit reliability on the corridor. The recommended budget also includes continuing work on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) for the MD 355 corridor and the purchase of 10 electric Ride On buses.

Read more about the proposed $5.7 billion budget for the year that begins on July 1, 2019.

Release ID: 19-039
Media Contact: Maureen McNulty 240-777-7199

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